Derek's POV
Flashback~3 Years Ago
I'm seriously getting tired of watching stupid Disney shows such as Wizards of Waverly Place and Zach & Cody, but if it's to keep Emily quite then I'm all for it. Even though I'm suppose to be doing homework.
"Derek, where's daddy?"
This is like the 20th times she asked me in the last half hour. So much for being quite.
"I told you Emily, he had to work extra tonight."
I'm tired of lying to her. My 'father' isn't at work if you can tell. Nah, he's at the bar getting drunk off his ass again. Times like these I wish my mother was still here, but she couldn't take it and left us. Yeah, my 'father' is an abusive drunk. He gets drunk every night and comes home to complain, yell, break things and other stuff. But by that time, Emily be asleep and I'll be dammed if he touches her. I don't care if he hits me, just not her. So I wait until he passes out to go to sleep, so by then I know he won't mess with Emily. I bought a baby monitor just incase.
"He had to work extra all this week." She wines.
Emily's 10 years old and is still in that stage to not understand things. She still sees a family with no problems. It's gets annoying but then again I'm happy that's all she sees.
"He's busy Emily." If only she understood.
"I want daddy!"
"Emily, please don't do this." I closed my eyes and lied my head down on the cushion.
"I want daddy! I want daddy!"
"Please watch tv. Actually," I look at the time. Just two more hours til he comes home. "You should be going to bed."
She still has a hour to be up but she's complaining too much.
"No." She cross her arms.
"I'm not going to bed til daddy gets here. He suppose to tuck me in and read me a story."
I sighed.
"How about I read you a story and tuck you in?"
"No! Only daddy can do that."
Before my 'father' started drinking, he used to put Emily to bed. Now he won't even be able to think about doing it.
"I want daddy! I want daddy! I want daddy! I want daddy!" She started jumping up and down on the floor.
She completely ignores me and carries on with her little chant. Everytime she say daddy, it brings this sudden anger to me.
He's not a daddy, he shouldn't even be called a human being! The things he did to me... As I thought about how he abused me mentally, emotionally, verbally, and physically makes me want to beat myself up. I could've left. I could've walked right out that door a long time ago just like my mother. I didn't have to go through the things I went through. I could've put one foot infront of the other and never look back yet I stayed. Why? Because of Emily.
I thought about her first. If I wasn't here to take the pain that'll mean Emily would've. Apparently my mother didn't think about that, about us. She cared about herself and herself only. I hope she burn in hell with this excuse of a father.
That sudden anger is buring a hell hole in me. I didn't even think about what I was doing when I told Emily to get her shoes and jacket and went to get mine.

Love Is Strong
רומנטיקהAdaieh, she's 17 and has a best friend. His name is Andre. Adaieh gains a stalker while her and Andre's friendship is breaking. Now somebody needs to save her when she goes missing. Read to find out how this tragic love story ends.