Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV

"Light skin, light brown hair, about 5'5, 18, female. Is that all, ma'am?"

"I think so. Please find her officer. She's all I have left." Elizabeth said.

"We'll do our best." The officer said with a look of sympathy and walked away.

I've never thought I'll be filing a missing person report. My best friend nonetheless. You would think that God would keep us safe no matter what. He will always have an angel over us. That with him we're invincible, a living shield.

Maybe Satan gets to us before he can in the nick of time.

I mean, He is takeing care of more than a billion people at once. He's busy all the time. But just because this happened doesn't mean that I believe in him any less.

I've don't go to church much or really read the Bible but, like I said, it doesn't mean that I believe in him any less.

It's weird how I can think of me and Adaieh laughing and goofing off. Feels like ages ago. Now she's somewhere with someone. If this is the doing of somebody we know then that itself proves that not everybody can be trusted.


"Huh." I looked at Andre stunned.

Was he talking to me this entire time?

"He's talking to you." He pointed his finger to a different officer.

Short, Mexican, a little over weight.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I understand that you are missing your friend deeply but I would like to ask both of you some questions. Alone."

"Yeah sure." Andre nodded.

The officer led us down a hallway into a room with only a table and chairs.

"Have a seat." He closed the door behind us.

We sat down and I couldn't help but look around. Gray walls, one barred window and a mirror. I've seen this plenty of times on TV to know that that's a two-way mirror. Do he think we did it?

The officer pulled out a notepad and pen and sat infront of us.

"So-" He begun.

"Are you interrogating us?" I shot out.

"Sarah-" Andre rolled his eyes.

"No it's okay. Sarah, I don't believe you did it, either of you at that matter but this is protocol and I have to see if there's any information that can help find Ms. Matthews."

I leaned back in my seat feeling less intimidated.

"We already told you everything." I stated.

Like seriously what else is there to tell?

"I know. But just make sure you didn't leave anything out. Now, may I begin?"

"Yes." Andre beat me to answering.

"Okay. Both of you, where were you on the night that Adaieh Matthews went missing?"

"At the party that Adaieh went missing from." Andre answered. Cool and collected.

"You two weren't with her?"

"Not exactly." I said.


I sighed.

"Me and Adaieh went to the party by ourselves to meet up with Andre. When we got there hr left us to go... somewhere and it was just me and Adaieh. I didn't leave her side because I know how Adaieh is with it comes to parties. After a while she had to use the bathroom and when she came back down she was crying and looking like she was running away from somebody."

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