Hairspray Queen

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I was your mind, you were my, my enemy.
You were mine, I was your, your enemy.
You would mind, I was your, your enemy
You were mine, I was was your en ... aaahh

You rang.
Your ears rang.

I was your mind, you were my, my enemy.
You were mine, I was your, your enemy.
You would mind, I was your, your enemy.
You were mine, I was was your ena ... aaahh

At night, the wishful goddess.
At night, she'll wish the hardest.
At night, the disco goddess.
At night, the witch go gaaahhh!

I was your mind, you were my, my enemy.
You were mine, I was your, your enemy.
You would mind, I was your, your enemy.
You were mine, I was was your ena ...

Wishful goddess, at night.
Wish the hardest, at night.
Wishful goddess, at night.
Wishful gaaahhh!

I was your mind, you were my, my enemy.
You were mine, I was your, your enemy.
You would mind, I was your, your enemy.
You were mine, I was was your ena!

At night, the wishful goddess.
At night, she'll wish the hardest.
At night, the disco goddess.
At night, the itch so modest.
At night, the crisco lochness.
At night, a mouthful omelette.
At sight, the fish full goblets.
At night, the witch go gaaawd !
Yo era tu mente, tú eras mi, mi enemigo
Eras mía, yo era tu, tu enemigo..
Te importaría, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu en ... aaahh

Tú llamaste.
Tus oídos sonaron.

Yo era tu mente, tú eras mi, mi enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Te importaría, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu ena ... aaahh

Por la noche, la diosa deseosa.
Por la noche, ella deseará lo más difícil.
Por la noche, la diosa disco.
Por la noche, la bruja va gaaahhh!

Yo era tu mente, tú eras mi, mi enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Te importaría, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu ena ...

Diosa de los deseos, por la noche.
Deseo lo más difícil, por la noche.
Diosa de los deseos, por la noche.
Gaaahhh deseoso!

Yo era tu mente, tú eras mi, mi enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Te importaría, yo era tu, tu enemigo.
Eras mía, yo era tu ena!

Por la noche, la diosa deseosa.
Por la noche, ella deseará lo más difícil.
Por la noche, la diosa disco.
Por la noche, la picazón tan modesta.
Por la noche, el crisco sin lago.
Por la noche, una bocanada de tortilla.
A la vista, los peces copas llenas.
Por la noche, la bruja va gaaawd!

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