TFBoys apartment

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Jun Kai P.O.V
"Xiao Kai! Wake. Up!" My manager kinda whispering while screaming in to my ears to wake me up. "Okay. Okay." I groaned. When I sat up I realised that (y/n) is sleeping, leaning on her hand. Well... she looks like she is enjoying her sleep. Since she is sleeping so peacefully.

"Xiao Kai is she some kind of a pillow to you?" My manager asked while giggles (askggles? Sorry I won't do any puns just keep on reading), I gave him a confused look. "You do know that when you fell asleep you kinda fell on her back and she can't even move because you are sleeping on her back." W-wait... what??? So I accidentally fall on her back when I'm asleep?!

Oh god... this is... I don't even know what to say anymore. "So... are we gonna wake her up or not?" My manager asked, "erm..." I said which I'm not sure what to do. "Let's not wake her up and take her to my bedroom and let her sleep." "Okay, you sure you don't want to wake her up?" "Yea. I'm sure."

So I got out of the other side of the car, slowly opening the door that (y/n) is leaning on. And carry her in a bridal style, and... to be honest... she not that heavy... well... not heavy nor not light.

~Some time passes~
I carried her in to my room and put her on my bed, I took her shoes off and pull the blanket up to her neck area. I told my manager to get her bring her stuff in to my room and put it on my desk. When everything is settled I got out of my room and closed the door.

"Xiao Kai! It's time for singing practice!" The Music teacher called me. I went to the main room and I started practice the tune of my song. Then some time later when I finish practicing singing me Wang Yuan and Qian Xi need to practice dance which is gonna be for hours. So I went to the Dance room waiting for Qian Xi and Wang Yuan.

"Which song are we dancing to?" Wang Yuan asked. "I believe we are gonna dance '是你'." Said Jun Kai. "Okay, lets get started." Said Qian Xi while getting up from his seat and started playing the music. When one of us get one movement wrong we have to start over again.

~Time 7:20pm~

"My lord... another day of such a tiring day." Said Wang Yuan while plotting himself on the couch. "Yea. But we got used to it isn't?" Asked Qian Xi while making a spot for him next to Wang Yuan. I wonder if she is awake yet. And its already 7 something. Is she going home or not? God so many questions!!!

"JUN KAI!!!" Wang Yuan yelled at me and he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you listening to our conversation or not?" Qian Xi asked. "Erm... guys..." I said it nervously. "Yes?" Both of them said in a sync. "We need to go to my room and check if (y/n) is awake." "Wait... WHAT?!" They said as they never heard this before.

"W-why is she in your room???" Wang Yuan stumbled. "Because when we are coming back she fell asleep on the car and I decided not to wake her up and bring her to my room???" "Wow, Jun Kai that's really gentlemen." Said Qian Xi and gave me a wink.

"Thanks Bro. Now let's go to my room and check if she is awake." They nodded as they are getting up from their seat. 2 minutes later we arrived outside of my room. "So... we are checking if she is awake, and should we just go in?" Wang Yuan asked them with and confused look.

"Yuan," Qian Xi sighed. "I don't think its okay tho. She is a girl and 'do' you know. Boys can't go in to the room while they were sleeping that'a just like a whole new level of creepy." Said Qian Xi while shivering. "True, Qian Xi well... maybe... we should just knock on the door a few times if she does not respond we go in and wake her up, sounds good?" Wang Yuan asked.

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