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This chapter will be short and then there will be two more short ones and then it's over

-Luke's POV-

It had been two weeks.

I only had ten more days until I could end things with Ash, and that was kind of good. I felt something for him, I was pretty sure I loved him. But I couldn't allow myself to move in with him or anything; it would only lead to heartbreak. Besides, it was a dare.

We would graduate in three days, so I had to find excuses for a week about why I wasn't packing or preparing to move in with him or anything.

I pulled up to the school and Ash and I got out. I had driven him to school.

We began looking for Calum and Michael, and Ashton grabbed my hand.

"Are you okay?" He wondered.

I nodded.

"Why are you being so quiet?" He asked, and I shrugged in response.

"Did I do something?" He questioned. I shook my head. No, he hadn't done anything. Except, somehow, make me catch feelings.

How was I going to break up with him? How was I going to hurt him like that? He did love me, I knew he did. And I loved him. But I couldn't allow our relationship to go on longer than the already necessary ten days. I needed to just enjoy those days, before I had to find a way to leave him.

"You should come over after school." I suggested. It was only Tuesday, but neither of our parents would care if he came over or even stayed the night.

"Okay." He agreed.

"It could be the last time." I quietly stated.

"Yeah...." He said, unsure of the meaning behind my words.

"Because we're living together soon, right?" He questioned after a second.

"Mhm." I hummed.

We found Calum and Michael, who were cuddling up on a bench.

I sat down and Ash sat next to me, keeping our fingers laced together and cuddling into my side.

"Three days, guys." Calum reminded us.

"Yeah. I can't wait." Ashton responded.

"I'm nervous." I admitted.

It was quiet for a minute.

"Luke, can I talk to you?" Michael asked. I nodded and followed him a safe distance away, far out of hearing range.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"I only have ten more days until I can end the dare...." I mumbled.

"You caught feelings." Michael concluded.

I nodded. Pathetic.

"Why don't you just stay with him then?" He asked me.

"Because I don't want to get hurt for one. And it was only a dare." I shrugged.

"You'll still succeed with the dare, Luke. And you aren't going to get hurt. Trust me, that boy loves you. He loves you so fucking much." He replied. I shrugged.

"Doesn't mean he always will." I stated.

Michael sighed.

"I want to stay with him, Mike. I love him." I sighed.

"Then stay with him."

"And if he leaves or hurts me?"

"He won't."

"I hope not. I'm going to consider actually moving in and stuff." I said.

Michael smiled.

"That's good."

I shrugged.

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