Mark coming over

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                         Zoe's P.O.V
I was so excited Mark was coming to stay for the next few days. I had set up his room perfectly. I was making pancakes for when Mark gets here, and for me and Alfie. I heard Alfie plod down the stairs and seen his big beautiful smile come through the door.
'Morning Alf' I said 'Morning gorgeous' Alfie said smiling the entire time. He came over and put his hands on my hips. I turned around and faced  him. He engulfed me in one of his amazing hugs. I pulled back and leaned up and gave him a peck on the nose. He kindly laid out the table and helped make the pancakes. He even attempted to flip one and he just about managed to do it. I brought the pancakes over to the table and admired our work. 'This looks amazing' I said excitedly. 'Just like you' Alfie said sweetly. I blushed slightly and gave Alfie a big bear hug. Alfie leaned down to kiss me but just as our lips were about to touch the doorbell rang. Alfie looked disappointed so i gave him a quick pec on the lips to keep him happy. I rushed over to the door and seen Mark standing there looking like he was staying for 2 weeks. 'Mark!!!' I exclaimed cheerfully. 'Zoe!!!' We embraced for a few moments before Nala came running to Mark and jumping up on him. Alfie also came and said hello and they did a sort of man hug thing, which made me giggle a little bit. 'We made pancakes!!' I shouted 'I can smell them!' Mark said excitedly. We soon tucked into the pancakes. They were delicious. After pancakes Alfie had to go to the office to film some videos with Marcus. I was going in for a small pec on the lips, but Alfie went for a very passionate kiss, and I was NOT complaining. Alfie was always a good kisser and he gets better everyday. 'Bye Alf' I shouted 'Bye' Mark said quietly. I gave him an odd look as he would never be so quiet. I was snapped out  of my thoughts as Alfie shouted 'goodbye gorgeous, love you' which made me smile.

Thank you guys for reading i will hopefully try post regularly. Byeee xox <3

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