Mark acting strange

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                       Mark's P.O.V
I had arrived at Zoe and Alfie's house and i was greeted by a very excited Zoe. We both squealed and hugged before Nala came running in and jumping all over me. Alfie also came to say hello and we did a man hug sort of thing. Zoe and Alfie had made pancakes and we all tucked into them. Alfie said he had to go to film some videos with Marcus and i was excited to spend some quality time with Zoe. The thing is, i like Zoe, Alot. I just wish she was mine. I was planning on telling Zoe before I leave tomorrow. I turned around and saw Alfie and Zoe in a long passionate kiss. I don't think they seen me so i quickly walked back into the cosy room. My chances with Zoe were never going to happen, but i was going to try anyway. I no, I will start an argument between them and then Zoe will think that she loves me and not Alfie. Zoe soon came in and she shouted out to Alfie, 'Bye Alf' I just said a simple 'bye' back very quietly and Zoe gave me odd looks. Alfie shouted back 'goodbye gorgeous,love you' which made Zoe smile. I needed Zoe to be mine. I can't wait any longer. Tonight i'm going to try and just maybe kiss her. Once Alfie was away me and Zoe watched a film. We then went on snapchat and laughed our heads off. I then suggested we go for a walk on the beach. I might even try to kiss her on the beach, it will be so romantic. We grabbed our coats and headed out. I was so excited, to finally be able to kiss Zoe.

Sorry this chapter wasn't the best, but I hope you enjoyed anyway xx

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