The Last Straw

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                      Zoe's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I picked it up and seen I had a text from Mark.
M: Zoe I like you, I like you so much. Alfie can never love you like I can!!! Alfie doesn't even love you!!! I will be the best boyfriend ever!! Fuck Alfie and what he thinks!! You're gonna be mine!!
I sat there, stunned. I read the text over and over again. This isn't the Mark I know. I looked at Alfie. He had his strong arms around me making me feel safe. I looked at his cute messy hair. Gosh, I really was in love with this beautiful boy. I knew Alfie loved me, even If Mark said he didn't. I slowly removed Alfie's arms from around my waist. I threw the covers off and realised I was naked. Then I remembered last night. I smiled. I quickly grabbed a towel and jumped into the shower, letting the warm water run down my back. I got out and got dressed. I made my way back into me and Alfie's bedroom. I checked my watch and realised it was half 11. I decided to wake Alfie up or he wouldn't sleep tonight. I knew Alfie hated getting up in the mornings, so I tried to make it as easy as I could. I sat down next to Alfie and placed a small but loving kiss on his lips. I placed one then on his cheek and then one on his head. He started to stirr with the third kiss. I gave him a slightly longer kiss on the lips and this time he kissed back. I seen his beautiful brown eyes open. He smiled at me. 'Morning gorgeous' I said. 'Morning little one' Alfie replied, calling me my special name. I gave him one more kiss and headed downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen I remembered Mark was still here. I froze as I seen Mark sitting at the dining table. 'Hey Zoe' Mark said in a flirty way.'Erm, hi' I said back, feeling really uncomfortable. I got a drink of milk and ran upstairs to Alfie. He was still laying in bed on his laptop. He looked at me and saw something was wrong. He held his arms out to me and I ran over to him. 'What's wrong little one?' Alfie said with worry in his voice.'M..Mark, he sent a t..text' I said stuttering.' Let me see' Alfie asked for my phone and I handed it to him. He clicked on Mark and read the text. Soon Alfie's face went from normal to angry.
                       Alfie's P.O.V
'How could he!!' I shouted. I was so angry. You can't just send that to someone and think it's fine!!' I screamed.!Zoe told me he was acting flirtatious towards her downstairs. 'Thats it!!' I shouted. I quickly put on some boxers and joggers and a white
t-shirt. Even though I was angry I gently took Zoe's hand, but I still ran downstairs. I faced Mark and let go of Zoe's hand. He looked straight at Zoe and winked at her.'Hey babe' he said to Zoe as if I wasn't even there. Zoe stood behind me. 'DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY GIRLFRIEND BABE!!!' I screamed. Mark just laughed.'AND HOW THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WOULD GET AWAY WITH TEXTING ZOE LIKE THAT' Marks face soon turned to a frightened look as he realised I had read the message he had sent to Zoe.'That text wasn't meant for you' he said. 'WELL I READ IT!! YOU NO WHAT YOU'RE JUST A DIMB BITCH WHO GOES AROUND TRYING TO STEAL PEOPLES GIRLFRIENDS!! THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW MARK!!! NOW GET OUT BEFORE I SMASH YOUR FACE!!' I shouted letting out my anger.'Make me' Mark said smirking. I usually wouldn't ever punch anyone, but he is ruining Zoe, and anyone who does that deserves to have their face broke. I swung my fist right into Marks face and knocked him out cold. I looked at his body. About thirty seconds later he stood up.'GET OUT!!' He quickly ran out of the house. I followed him to the door. I didn't leave the door until I seen him drive away. I turned around and went into the cosy room. Zoe followed me in. I didn't know what to say. She came and sat beside me. 'I'm sorry little one, but I can't bear see you get hurt so I had to do it. I'm so sorry' I said sadly. No reply  from Zoe. About 1 minute later Zoe finally spoke. 'Alfie, don't be sorry. Usually if any of my past boyfriends were in a fight I would be a little frightened of them for a while, but with you, I don't feel scared. Knowing that you were doing it for me, makes me not scared. I love you Alf, with all my heart.' Zoe said. 'I love you more' I replied. She leaned in and gave me a long kiss. This kiss felt so special. So perfect, just like this amazing girl, with big blue eyes and the most perfect smile. Yeah, just like her.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was a bit longer than usual but I hope you enjoyed anyway. Lyl xx

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