Perfect Timing (Warning Slight Smut)

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                           Alfie's P.O.V
'I'll catch you guys later' Alfie said to the camera. 'Byeeeeee' Marcus and Alfie said in sync. 'That was such a fun video, haha' Marcus exclaimed 'I know, we definitely need to collab more!!' Alfie said. 'Anyway i have to get the train at 1 O'clock and it's now 12:45, and my car is down by the beach'. 'We better head down there now then' Alfie said quickly, rushing around the place sorting a few things out before they leave.    
                          5 mins later
'See you later man' *hugs Marcus* 'See you soon!!' Marcus said happily. I decided to go for a stroll along the beach as I was so close to it. I happened to see Mark and Zoe not to far away. I called their names and Zoe looked over and waved, Mark on the other hand looked quite disappointed. Zoe came over to me and wrapped her small arms around my waist hugging me tightly. 'That was perfect timing' Zoe said relieved. 'Why?' I asked 'I will tell you tonight, okay?' Zoe said. 'Okay' i said still curious as to what she ment. Mark had eventually came over, he smiled a fake smile to me and as soon as Zoe's back was turned he gave me a very dirty look, but Zoe turned around and seen what Mark was doing and looked at him puzzled. She then walked over beside me instead of Mark and starting holding my hand. This reassured me with everything that happened within the last couple minutes. Me and Zoe talked and laughed while Mark just walked a couple feet behind doing nothing.

We got back home and ordered a wagamuma and watched a film. Mark was being very creepy towards Zoe and I felt really sorry for her. While we were sitting down Zoe was sitting in between me and Mark. Mark slowly started edging towards her and Zoe knew it as well. She got up and got a glass of water and sat at the other side of me away from Mark and snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. Mark said he was going to go to bed early and I quite happy with that. Suddenly Zoe woke up for some reason. I asked her what happened on the beach. 'Mark looked like he was about to kiss me' Zoe said starting to sob a little bit. 'He leaned in but I moved away and then he tried to do it again and he was really going for it, but then you called our names and i was so relieved' Zoe sobbed 'I will always be here for you Zo, always,through thick and thin. I will always love you.' I exclaimed. I wiped the tears of her face. I sat her up on my lap. Her lips looks so pink and soft, they were to tempting. I leaned it and kissed her,she kissed back. We found a rythm in the kiss and things started to progress on from there. I think she new what was happening but i wanted to make sure she was ok with it.'Are you sure you wanna do this Zoe?' I asked 'Of course I do, I love you' Zoe exclaimed. She leaned in and kissed me we started to find rythm again and I found my hands unclasping Zoe's bra. She then took off her top and I....was speechless. 'Wow' I said. Zoe blushed. I took of my top and Zo was winking at me. 'Shut up' I said playfully' I pressed my lips onto hers and carried her up the stairs, our lips not parting once. I gently threw her onto the bed. Zoe giggled. We both became full undressed and you can guess what happened from there on.

'I love you Alfie'. 'I love you too Zoe'.

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