Condesce ♡ Troll! Reader

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A troll makes its way through the door to a magnificent respiteblock. A giant mane of hair was sitting in what seemed to be a throne.

Conceited much?

The troll's back was turned.

The smaller troll treads quietly to behind the throne, raising their sword in the air.

The fuschiablooded troll grabs the sword, turning around quickly with a grin.

")(-Ello, s)(rimp." Her voice drawls. ")(ow did som-Efin as small as you g-Et past my guards?" Her words dripped with sugary venom.

Unfazed, the b/c troll shrugs, keeping its eyes on the Condesce's. "They were fairly easy."

A chuckle escapes from her Imperiousness. "W)(al-E, I'm gu-Essing t)(-E r-Eason you're )(-Er-E is to cull m-E?"

The unknown troll nods. "You're a good guesser."

The Condesce sighs. "Too bad for you."

Suddenly everything goes black.

---- ----

This leads to where you are right now, in a dark, cold stone room. You have no chains or shackles, but no means of escape.

Even if you wanted to.

Your jailer visited often, torturing you. But... pain never did anything to you.

That got to her.

It was what could be 12th Perigees Eve, if her conscience didn't deceive her.

There had been some bottles stored away for such an occasion, and she took advantage of this.

She was nearly three bottles of wine in by the time she stumbled into your cell.

You look up as the door creaks open, revealing her slouched figure leaning on the doorway.

She staggers drunkenly over to your designated corner, slumping down beside you. You gaze at her, confused, but not showing any emotion. You never were one to show them or be trapped.

Your quiet confusion jumps to shock when she shifts, resting her head in your lap after moving your legs from their position.

Her hair gets everywhere; in your face, all the way to your feet. Overboard much?

You don't budge, sitting there, acting stoic, while inside you're asking yourself what is happening.

You smell alcohol, and are pulled from your questions when you notice a face in front of yours, moving closer, but faltering.

"Why won't you be scar-Ed?" Her lip pouts out. It was slurred but legible at least. You still don't move, keeping your cool.

She only sighs, attempting to move back, but falls very... gracefully onto you, face landing in your neck. You jump slightly, eyes widening. She gazes up at you softly, lips curling into a smile.

"It's pr-Etty cold in )(-Er-E. )(ow do you manag-E it?" She asks softly, face burying in your neck. You feel your face heat up slightly.

"I manage just fine." You may be no stranger to pain, but this... it was rare to have any soft contact with anyone... much less an Empress of the universes.

You jolt slightly when you feel something against your neck, sliding across the skin. You shiver, biting your lip. The tongue continues traveling, and you hear something....


Purring. The Imperious Condescension was purring while licking your neck drunkenly.

What a day.

You gasp when teeth scrape against your neck, and a rumbling laugh sounds from the troll.

She pulls away, a dazed smile on her face. She suddenly frowns. "It r-E-Ely is cold in )(-Er-E." She starts standing up, then grabs you, pulling you into her arms bridal-style. You let her. Hey, if nothing else maybe this was an escape.

She teeters along the way, finally arriving in her respiteblock. She begins pulling off her top, motioning for you to do the same.

Blushing, you comply, pulling off clothes until you're both in your underwear. She grabs your hand, forcefully pulling you into her recoopracoon, with you landing on top of her chest.

Her snoring soon fills the air. You attempt to pull away, to escape - not only for freedom, but if she woke up sober and found you... you shiver.

But, as you move, her vice-like grip tightens, leaving you immobilized.

You sigh after a minute of struggling, relaxing and closing your eyes.

You couldn't wait until morning.

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