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I hurry to my locker, trying to escape the students rushing around the school, getting ready for the weekend.

I sigh, opening my locker and sorting through which books I would need.

Suddenly I'm pulled as the locker slams shut, and someone pushes me against it roughly. The hallways were clearing out quickly, and no one stops to help.

I stare up at the human who acted so violently. There were two human males, each looking very tough. For a lowblooded troll like me, this was trouble.

"Hey you little cunt." The first one sneers, grabbing my hair roughly. I growl, trying to get them to leave me alone, but to no avail. They only laugh.

The first punches me in the gut, and I double over. The second holds me as he attacks. A fist lands on my face, another on my stomach, and I can feel myself slipping away into anger.

My late father's rage seems to fill me, and I attack back, clawing, biting, kicking. Soon it's an all-out brawl, me in the middle.

Minutes in, after much triggering cursing, the two dissapear for some reason, running down the hall with wild looks in their eyes.

I turn to grab my stuff, surprised to see Cronus Ampora leaning against the lockers cooly. The most feared troll in school, aside from one other, he was also one of my friends.

He chuckles, grinning. "Looks like you're a good fighter, Kan, you scared them off pretty good."

I shrug. "I d9n't think it had much t9 d9 with my fighting rather than y9ur appearance." I walk over, opening my locker once more, and push my stuff in my bag. The bus would surely be gone, but at least I drove this morning. The only good thing about waking up late.

"I suppose so, chief." He stretched, yawning. I wonder if he got much sleep last night.

I remember something about Karkat's friend Eridan, who's Cronus's brother figure, being quite the handful. And honestly their guardian was quite terrifying.

"Hey Kan, I wvanted to ask if I could stay the night by any chance." Cronus's demeanor had changed and his voice was soft. His shoulders slouched, his eyelids and fins had drooped slightly. "I don't mean to be a bother, but I may havwe said something to Dualscar about blood colors. And got kicked out."

I study his face for a moment, contemplating. Karkat and I live alone in an apartment (After the Signless died it got hard for a while.), and Karkat would be away for the night with his moirail. As I study his face, I notice a nick in his fin, and an almost unnoticeable bruise on his cheek.

We all secretly knew already about his abusive guardian, Dualscar.

"I supp9se there is room if y9u d9 n9t mind the c9uch." I hear myself say.

His face lights up immediately, fins flaring up as he smiles broadly. "Thanks Kankri."

I only nod, and walk away while thinking. He'd never really called me by my actual name before, no matter what I'd told him about triggering me. I smile a little.

He follows me out to my car. "So I'll followv you, alright?"

I nod. "Alright, Karkat w9n't be h9me this evening 6y the way. He's with Gamzee."

"Alright, I'll see you there then." He opens the car door for me. He must be excited or something.

I get in and he follows me all the way to the apartment hive. I unlock the door, and he walks in after me.

Along the way, I explain the rules: "Please d9n't enter Karkat's 9r my r99m, unless the circumstances require urgency, y9u will need t9 pay f9r y9ur fracti9n 9f the rent, any f99d unmarked is fair game, please d9n't upset any 9f the neighbors 6y any means- there are m9re, th9ugh I d9n't happen t9 remember entirely."

"I think I understand, chief." He pulls a box out with the telltale markings, and I snap my fingers.

"An9ther: N9 sm9king inside."

He just grins, sticking one in his mouth. "Gotcha. It's mostly just for showv anywvay. Don't want to kill my gills."

I nod, and walk to my room, setting my bag down beside my desk. "Hey Cronus." I call, surprised to hear a voice behind me from the doorway.

"Yeah, Kan?"

I roll my eyes. "Please d9 use my name, it c9uld 6e very triggering t9 s9me t9 call them 6y names that are n9t their 9wn. Anyway, I was g9ing t9 say y9u may d9 as y9u wish. I have h9mew9rk t9 c9mplete and d9 n9t wish t9 6e disturbed."

He started nodding halfway through, and I knew he was only half listening. More than most people do however, so I don't complain.

He shrugs, still nodding. "Alright, sea ya wvhen you're finished."

He leaves the doorway. To be fair he never entered my room. I begin with my first hour, Algebra. The teacher had said there was no homework, but I decide to work ahead. I am I'm need of something that takes my mind off of life.

After finishing my last assignment, for speech and debate, I stretch. It'd only been a while- oh.


About four hours.

An hour past my usual dinner time. I stand, walking into the kitchen, and making myself a sandwich.

Strange, I hear Grease music playing. He'd put it in hours ago. Was he still watching?! And I don't even have it?!

I look, confused, into my tiny living room. It was in fact playing, but it was stuck on the home screen.

I walk around the couch, and find Cronus curled up, his fins relaxed against his face and his hair sticking out every which way from the grease. His cigarette was on the floor, and I pick it up and place it on the table. I stare for a moment at him, feeling my face heat up.

NO Kankri, you can't have these thoughts. Well, you can, but you can't act on them, sadly. No matter what. I feel my chest ache. I truly, horribly feel for the violet blooded troll.

My only problems being a celibate. I can never take any quadrants. I didn't mind when I made my vow, but not being able to be close to someone hadn't been a problem then.

I push aside the sad thoughts, sighing as I gaze at him softly.

He was quite... adorable when he slept.

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