Fear the night and the stars.

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(Note, it might get boring at the begin but things will soon heat up, and I'm gonna write it like I was six so it's like Lucy when she really was six.

Lucy's pov.
Hi I'm Lucy, I'm 6 years old, I have a mom, a dad, and a brother named Leo and a little sister named Michelle who I live with! I love them very much, I also love to read, and we are all very rich! Today is my birthday! Yay! Presents! Mommy gave me a gournal, Michelle gave me a dolly, and Leo gave me a key with a lion on it! I loved all my gifts! I turned to daddy to see what he got me but he was on the phone with a serious face. He doesn't even care that it's my birthday. I ran up to my room, but before I left mommy hugged me.
" I'm sorry lu, daddy is a little busy, something has been going down lately and all of our security guard except one, quit. But I know he wanted you to have this." She said and handed me a pair of star pj's. " you were are wish come true, and your name comes from lucky, so we decided your are our lucky star! As long as you see the stars, we will be there for you, cause your one of the three luckiest things that ever happened to me and your father. Happy birthday Lucy, I love you." Mommy said and gave me a hug, out of no where I was crying on her shoulder.
" hey lu, don't cry." Leo said trying to calm me down.
" but these are happy tears." I said smiling. Nothing could ruin my mood, I was to happy. Everything seemed perfect. I knew my family loved me, it was my birthday, and I realized how much I meant to my parents. This was the best day of my life.
Little did Lucy know, her life was about to change forever.

I was laying down in me and Leo's room. We both share a room and we also share Michelle since it's such a big house, but she is finishing her slice of cake downstairs.
" hey Leo, did mommy mean it, that she'll be with me whenever I see the stars?" I asked him as I looked out the window.
" yes, she wouldn't lie to you, and even if she wasn't psychically, she will be in here." He said pointing at his chest. (Really his heart)
" in my chest?!" I yelled nervous. I then saw him face palm.
" no silly, your heart! I try to have a nice big brother little sister moment with you, but ofcourse you ruin it." He sighed.
" sorry, but next tom be more specific!" I said in defense.
" yeah yeah, ok. Good night lu." He said.
" good night Leo!" I said.
" I told you to call me loke!" He yelled angry as I just giggled and drifted off to sleep.
1 sheep
2 sheep
3 sheep
I immediately shot up and so did loke. I heard a scream that sounded like my mom. I then ran to the phone in our room to call 911.
" quick! what's the # for 911?!" I whisper shouted.
" he looked at me angry and grabbed the phone and dialed the numbers 9,1,1. Ohhhhhhhhh! That's why they call it 911.
(Sorry, couldn't help it)
" yes police, I heard a noise that sound like a gun shot and my mothers scream. I'm to scared to go out of my room for me and my sisters sake! Uh huh, We like in 1128 magnolia road. Thank you!" He said as he then hanged up the phone.
He then grabbed my wrist as we hid in the closet. We heard the door slam open and 3 mysterious figures walked in holding Michelle. I was about to gasp but loke covered my mouth. We then heard the police sirens, they then dropped Michelle and made a run for it. Sadly they got away. We ran to Michelle and went down stairs to see the police. I felt like I was missing something, I then looked around and realized what was gone. There layer on the ground was my mothers, who was shot in the arm, leg, and gut, and my father who was shot in the heart and face. I couldn't believe the sight. I fell to my knees and started to cry.
"why?! Why did you lie to me, the stars are out, i saw them! But all that did was kill you and hurt my sister! The stars are monsters!" I cried as the policemen took us to an orphanage me and Leo went to the same one, but we got separated from Michelle.
Ever since that day, I hated the stars, but not only that, I feared them and what they would do to my loved ones, as I was named after luck, it seems to be bad luck. The dark surrounds me and I see my past, I see loke's nervous and stressed out face, I see Michelle's scared face, I see my mothers lifeless face, I see my father's bloody and dead face. And it's all my fault, my birthday distracted my family from getting security, my careless actions made the cops come later, and my stupidity, actually believed that I was lucky. Reality check, I'm not. The dark is scary, it can make the ones you love nervous, and you unable to see things or protect them. And the stars hate me, I'm scared, I'm scared of the stars and the dark. I can't help it. Every time I see one I hear gun shots and see one of my family members face. I'm cursed. By the stars, the night, and the dark. The next thing I know I look up to see three guys holding guns, this is my destiny, it's fate, it's the end to all the misery. I hear them shoot, BAM! BAM! BEEP!
Wait.... Beep?
3rd person.
Lucy shot out of bed panting, covered in sweat as her eyes were puffy and red. She then hit snoozed and stood up and leaned against the wall holding her heart taking deep breaths in trying to calm down.
" relax lu, calm down, it was just a dream." Lucy sighed as she looked in the mirror with a small frown. " well, some of it was." She turn on the light, and then turned off all 6 of her night lights, and pushes back her curtains and opens up the window and leans on it. " just another living nightmare. I wonder what will happen today." Lucy said sighing as she went to get ready and dressed for school.

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