Fear of the water and the cold

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Juvia's pov.
Hello there, Juvia is Juvia, Juvia is 7 years old and just turned seven like, 3 days ago. Juvia lives with her sister bell and her brother mace, Juvia calls her blue bell or bell san and calls him mace kun. Today Juvia mace and bell went down to the river in are bathing suits getting ready to go tubing. It's winter right now so everyone is staring at Juvia and bell weirdly, but Juvia doesn't mind, Juvia loves the water and can't wait to get into the tube!
(Poor poor Juvia. I almost feel bad for writing this...... Almost.)
Juvia bumped into some bullies and yelped. It's bora, ultear, Lyon and meredy. The biggest jerks in town.
" well well well, if it isn't miss gloomy. Where you off to, dance in the rain again? Gonna cry is a river?" Bora said as meredy laughed and ultear pushed Juvia down, of course Lyon sama gave Juvia a sorry glance then dumped water on her.
" back off of juvia you jerks!!!!" Bell said throwing water balloons at them making them run away as mace hit bora with a balloon.
" thanks bluebell, and mace kun." I said with a smile.
" no problem juv, not let's go swimming." She said with a smile.
Juvia's sister and brother are not the best swimmer but at least they like to swim anyway. Juvia is glad to have her and him as a sibling. Juvia thought while grabbing a tube and jumping in the water with bell as mace soon jumped in to join us. It was all fun in games untill after like, 10 minutes Juvia saw two weird looking guys nearby the dam and one in a car. Juvia watched curiously at what there doing, the next thing Juvia knows, one of them grabs an axe and breaks the dam, water comes crashing down like a huge wave, that was about to crash down on Juvia mace kun and bell san.
" bell San! Mace Kun!" Juvia shouted swimming over to her about to grab her hand, but then the wave crashed down on us. I saw her screaming as mace was pushed against the rock, as I swam towards him but kept on getting pushed around, the water was cold, my body was numb and shivering, my teeth were would not stop clacking, yet I didn't stop, I was cold, tired, and sad as I swim following my sisters screams as she starts to sink and drown and hoping to save her. How could I love this? This is terrible! I then get pushed by the current and bang my head on a rock. The last thing I heard was......
" JUVIA!!!!"
Then I blacked out.
I saw black and heard a familiar voice.
" come on Juvia don't die on me!"
" don't go near the light! We're sorry we made fun of you!"
" yeah, we were just doing what bora said! Please don't die!"
I finally regained enough strength to slowly open my eyes. I was not in the river anymore, I was now in a pink bedroom covered in a warm towel, surrounded by Lyon ultear and meredy.
" huh, what happened? Where am I? How did I-" I suddenly stopped when I felt a burst of pain in my head. I muttered and ow, I then held my head and took some deep breathes in. I look up to see them starring at me weirdly.
" what's wrong?" I asked.
" it's nothing, just, you said I, I'm not use to you not speaking in 3rd person."Lyon said with a smile.
" oh right, I got into the habit of speaking in first person so my parents could remember my name." I said having a flash back, some things are still a little blurry with my memory.
" that's so sad!" Meredy said looking down feeling guilty.
" yeah, I guess, but I'm kinda use to it. It's actually not that bead as long as I have bell and mace." I replied.
"About that......" Ultear started but stopped. There was an awkward silence.
" mace is in a coma at the hospital barely still alive, they say he might not ever wake up, and bell.... She....." Lyon started but meredy interrupted him while crying.
No, no, no, no,no, no, nooooooooo.
Please, no! I felt the tears fall down my face as I cry.
" nooooo! It- It can't be true!" I yelled crying as I fell down onto my knees and pounded on the floor.
" I'm sorry Juvia,mi could only save you, I saw you drowning and swam over and grabbed you. Out of the river, by the time I remembered mace and bell it was to late." Lyon said looking down as I cried, I ran over to him and cried into his shoulder.
Why, why must the water be so cruel, I can't shake off this feeling, wet, cold, alone. I can't take it! I'm, I'm scared. I can't even swim to save my siblings life! What good is the water?! What good is this feeling?!?!
" why?!?!" I shouted into the air, as I cried myself to sleep. The water, it's dangerous, it's viscous and cold. One minute it's all safe, the next it kills the ones you love. you can't trust it! The devil was once an Angel. The water became a devil and stripped my siblings of there life. I'm now cold. All alone. Why did this happen to me? Why?
A few years later.
(10 to be exact.)
3rd person.
Juvia woke up to the sound of her roommates, Lucy's, alarm clock. Juvia heard her turn on the shower. That cold feeling shivered down Juvia's spine as her heart started to beat a little faster. Juvia then quickly ran into the bathroom and took a 1 minute shower after Lucy finished hers. She then came out with her legs a little wobbly, a little paler then usual, and breathing hard as she covered a towel around her hoping to get rid of the cold feeling. She started to breath heavier as the cold feeling wouldn't go away, she leaned against the wall, only to soon slide down having a little anxiety. Finally the cold feeling went away and Juvia calmed down like ten minutes later.
" I'm ok, Juvia is ok. Just another day in this prison of despair we call life. Juvia walked out and got dressed for school. Fairy tail high, who knows what torture she will be put through today with the bullies and there teasing at her new school. Juvia thought as she walked out of her room with Lucy.

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