The fear of sex, drugs, and blood.

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Levy's pov.
Hello there, I'm levy mcgarden, a five year old and kindergartener with  the brain of a  4th grader. I'm extremely smart for my age you see, but I don't have many friends, only Erza. Anyway, today was the Halloween parade! We always have one in the morning of Halloween were I live! And this year daddy made me a promise, that Erza and i could go! So where just happily holding hands and skipping down the street. We then pass by this store with a really strange smell, then  my father goes into the store. I stopped and let go of Ezra's hand and run into the store to follow him.
I could not believe the sight, there my father was ordering a drink, telling the man to hurry up, then Three guy hits him over the head with a bear bottle, knocking my dad out cold as he fell down onto the floor with broken glass and a bloody head, back, arms, and lip. I gasped in horror. How could they do that to him?! I then turn to the conner and my eyes widen, I saw some pervert trying to r@** someone while he was drunk. I started to breath heavy, then this drunk perverted old guy stared at me and smirked with a crazy grin, he started to tug on my skirt! For crying out loud the nightmare doesn't end. Luckily the police came in before the perv could do anything else. He arrested everyone in there except me, 1, cause the bar was selling illegal drugs. 2. Some people hurt my dad so bad he had to go to the hospital. 3. There was drunk pervs who were trying to court us girls and no one did anything but watched.
That night, I cried. My father wasn't always the best, especially when he was drunk, but he still was my father. And the things that happen tonight, they scare me! Getting drunk, it's a dangerous thing!
It's been a few weeks since the incident, my father finally came back from the hospital. When he did, he was different. During the nights he would leave the house, and I had to take care of my twin sister with mommy. Every night he would come back smelling like alcohol, walking around dizzy with a monster face on him. I hated it, it scared me. Why is he still drinking, even after the accident? One night my mom asked him, so I decided to spy on them. The next thing I know he's shooting a bunch of words I'm not allow to say at my mom and he then slaps her. I scream and run over to her, he then grabs my shirt and throws me against the wall.
" you little b¡+<h! I'm gonna kill you for eavesdropping!!!!!" My father shouted at me. As he slapped my face over and over again, tear leaking down my stinging cheeks as I see blood on his hands, he then pulled my hair and slammed my face on the ground. He's scarring me! Why? Why is this happening! The next thing I know he drops me to the ground and kicks me in the gut. He then walks over to my mom, and punches her in the stomach. Then he let out a scary couple.
" I've been stressed out lately, so your gonna help me calm down tonight. Let's have some fun." He said with a scary smile as my mom cried. My eyes then widen when realization hit me. He is abusing mom and forcing her into court, is that how me and Wendy happened? All I remember of my memory, the week before this, when daddy came back. he was shouting at her in anger as there was crashes and a weird smell...... a smell like alcohol. It then hit me. My whole life, was forced to happen. I'm a sin, my mothers torture. Just a reminder of how cruel my father was. He then walked over to me and kneed me in the gut, I coughed up blood. It hurts, I'm scared, a mistake, a sin! That was my last thought before I blacked out.
I open my eyes slowly, as I heard police sirens again. I see my mom in an ambulance, as Wendy is on top of me.
" wevy! Your awake! Thank goowness." Wendy said in her adorable baby voice.
" we-were am I?" I asked.
" a ambewance" she replied.
Huh? So I'm in a ambulance.
" is mom ok?" I asked her.
" weah, just a wittle trawmetwize." She answered.
" traumatized?" I asked.
" that's what I sed." She said in a dub tone.
" and dad?" I asked a little nervous. There was a long pause.
"Pwison" she said in a sad tone.
I froze, but then my memory came back to me, I'm a sin. I was force into this world. My father was a drunk maniac, but are mother stayed for our sake. Blood stained on my ripped up shirt as I started to breath faster and my heart beat went extremely fast. As tear fell down my eyes and memory of bar and the night passed through my mind over and over again. I saw my cut and fainted.
"Wevy!" I heard Wendy shout.
Ever since that day, I have been afraid of blood, drugs, and even sex.

12 years later.
Still Levy's pov.
" hey wend! I'm going out! Be safe!" I yelled as I walked out of my room humming to myself 'raise your glass.' By pink. As I walked down the hall way I smelt some smoke and turn to see someone smoking. I stared at them and started to breath heavy, I also noticed a huge cut on there arm. Ok, yup that did it. I ran to the bathroom and puked into the sink. Gross. I then slide down the wal onto the floor and catch my breath. I hate Parker Miller. He always is smoking and getting beaten up, kinda hard not to barf when you pass by his room. I sighed as I got up shaking a little, I then made a run for it. I just barely made it out without breathing in the smoke. Just another normal school morning for levy mcgarden. Huh, fairy tail high, the special school for special students. Well won't this just be a swell day? Note the sarcasm. I thought as I got onto my bike and left for school.

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