First day at school

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Chapter 1. First day at school.

Lucy's pov.

I was walking through the halls as i met up with my best friend levy carrying her and Wendy's Starbucks. Like usual. I walked up to her nervously.

"H-hey levy. You excited, it's the f-ff-first day of scs-s-school!" I stuttered.

D@mn what's wrong with me, it's school, it's during day time, it's not like there is any darkness or stars here.

We sighed in unison.

" you nervous to lu?" She asked.

" yeah, I know all are friends will be here, but there will also be bullies."

We sighed again.

" let's go find are lockers. Mine is locker 214, how bout you lu?"

Yeah, what is my locker?

" locker 215. Sweet! We're neighbors!" I said as we high fived.

When we got to are lockers, we saw the unexpected. We saw a delinquent and a athlete fighting and arguing while there putting stuff in our lockers. OUR lockers! And one of them had pircings all over their face and the other was cute, yet for some reason he had pink hair! Pink! Or maybe it was salmon? Never mind that, just know he's a guy with PINK / SALMON HAIR!!!!

I opened my mouth about to say something, but nothing came out. I looked over to see levy in the same position looking at me, again, we sighed. Yet some how these two guys had super sonic hearing and looked at us.

"What are you two girls staring at." The one with piercings barked.

" o-obviously you, metal face! Y-y-your putting your stuff in May locker, and p-pinky is putting his in Lucy's!" Levy said, even though she's stuttering she's still standing tall and staring at him. She definitely more confident then I could ever be.

The one with pink hair was laughing his but off.

" she called you metal face!" Pinky said.

Piercings was about to say something but levy beat him to it.

" s-stop laughing pinky! Your just as dense as he is! Your doing the exact same thing to my friends locker!" She said.

Pinky frozed, when he snapped out of it he was about to say something but I interrupted him.

" actually I think his hair is salmon." I said which made pinky shock.

" I thought it was pink?" Levy whispered confused.

" yeah, no. Definitely salmon."

We then looked over are shoulders at the guys and snickered.

" who are you laughing at shrimp." Piercings said a little flustered.

" you piercings." She said smiling.

I could see that piercing was a little shocked back by how levy responded, but he soon
grinned and for some reason gihee-d?

" look at the shrimp here, she actually has guts to talk to me." He said grinning.

I then felt someone basically tackle me into a hug.

" finally! Someone who actually can tel, the color of my hair!!!!" Pinky said kinda crying a little.

" ummmm...... yeah ok, can you please get off me and get your stuff out of our lockers?" I asked in a awkward tone and blushing.

He let go of me and gave me a toothy grin.

" I guess I should introduce myself, hi, I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. And that screw head is gajeel." Pinky, I mean Natsu said.

" ok? I'm Lucy." I introduced myself.

" and I'm levy, but what does this have to do with you guys getting your stuff out of our lockers." Levy asked.

" well, you see. At fairy tail we share lockers." Natsu explained.

I felt my eyes widen.

" you mean were?"

" locker buddies! Yup!" He said grinning.

I felt my jaw drop to the floor. This can't be happening. I'm locker partners with a cute guy that has salmon hair. For a whole flipping f***ing year. Greeaaaat.

Juvia's pov.

Juvia was walking to school holding her lemon-lime Gatorade, yeah, Juvia just doesn't like water, she's fine with other drinks though.

I was walking into the school wearing a blue coat and and a warm puffy blue hat. Most people stared weirdly at Juvia since it was only the middle of fall, but it was starting to get cold. Juvia went to her locker to see a few things were already in it, a hockey stick and helmet, a band poster of fairy zero, a popular band of students who use to go here, a few text books and a few extra shirts and pants? Juvia just shrugged it off figuring that this was Juvia's locker mates stuff. ( A/N locker mate? more like soul mate! sorry couldn't help it) Juvia puts her books, extra hat, umbrella, calander, and small poster of a a puppy yawning. Adorable! No wait, KAWAII!!!!!

Juvia giggles as Juvia closes her locker and heads to her first period, science with Ms.gemini. There where not that many students in the class since Juvia got here early, so Juvia just sat in the middle row at an empty table. A few minutes later some students arrived, but one caught Juvia's eye, he had dark hair and a cold stare that sent chills down Juvia's spine, but these chills were different then most chills, they made Juvia feel all queasy inside, not make Juvia want to jump out the window and run and never turn back. The mystery guy grunted as most girls begged him to sit next to him, I simply look down messing with my shoes, they are oddly entertaining. The next thing I know it, the guy sits next to me. he sees me staring at him and grunts and looks away, but none of the less, he stays seated right next to Juvia.

" okay class, I want you to look at the person next to you, not only will these be you permanent seats, but there also your permanent lab partners." Mrs.Gemini said.
I looked over at the mystery guy to see him smiling. It was small, but it was still a smile. I smile back.

"Names gray, gray fullbuster." He said holding out his hand.

" Juvia is named Juvia, Juvia lockser" Juvia said about to shake his hand, but when Juvia felt it Juvia immediately pull my hand back and fall out of my chair.

Everyone starts to laugh at juvia as the teacher silence them, but my mind was stuck one thing. His hands, there cold, no. Not just cold, there freezing!

" Juvia, are you ok?!" He asked offering me a helping hand. Juvia felt my heart beating fast as Juvia scooted away from him and started to breath a little fast. Everyone was staring at Juvia as Juvia backed away from him and let a few tears slide down her face.

" ms.lockser? Are you alright?" Ms.gemini asked.

" y-yeah. Juvia is fine. Juvia is sorry for interrupting the class." Juvia said getting up and blushing as Juvia took her seat. The class went back to doing there thing, well everyone but Juvia and gray, Juvia was trying to shake off the stares gray was giving her. What a great first day of school, hasn't even past 10 minutes and Juvia made a fool of herself. This is why Juvia hates school!


Sorry for the long wait but I just got done with an exam and I hurt my wrist a few weeks ago, I'll be updating soon!  Again, sorry for the wait, I know, I suck. But I'll make it up to you guys, and sorry the chapters short. Well vote, comment, follow, and all that stuff, but most importantly, KEEP ON LOVING FAIRY TAIL!!!! Welp bye!

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