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Ok guys this is Chapter 3. Sorry this is a filler chapter. I wanted to progress Tank's character a little bit. I'm wondering who do you guys want to play Tank? I keep thinking about people but none of them seem to fit what i have in mind for him. any ideas would be hepful along with comments and votes about the story so far. I would love some feedback. 



I got in late after dancing all my anger out. Thankfully no one bothered me while I was dancing. I was able to fall straight asleep as soon as my body hit the bed. It was a short sleep because Angeles woke me up saying it’s time for classes. I was in desperate need of a shower after last night’s workout. So I grabbed my clothes for today and headed to the bathroom.

The shower felt unbelievably good against my muscles and I was in there for longer than expected. So long, that I was late to English. After that boring class, I had ballet. Unfortunately for me, Tank popped into my head. I was seriously wondering what was up between him and my dance teacher and I was going to find out.

Thankfully when I got to ballet, I found out my teacher was a female. After yesterday’s dance class, I don’t think I could have handled having another male teacher. And guess what, no incident in that class. So far things are looking like it is going to be a good day today after all.  

After I got back to my dorm room and took yet another shower after my ballet class, Angeles decided it was time to go for lunch and dragged me with her. When we sat down with our food, I saw Tank come in and my curiosity came back to me.

“Hey Angeles…What’s that background story on Tank?”

Angeles look up at me with a mischievous glint her eyes, “Why, you interested in him?”

“No, it’s just that he practically runs this school from what I have seen even though I really never see him talk to anyone. Also he seems to hate my dance teacher with a passion.” I stated seeing him start to work his way over to us.

“Who’s your dance teacher?”

“Aiden Hayes.”

She ignored that comment but started telling me the minor stuff on him.

“His real name is Damien Alexander but prefers Alexander.” She said.

I wonder why he goes by Tank and not Damien, Alex, Xander, or Alexander?

 “His parents recently died, leaving the family business to him. If you want to know more on that you will have to ask him. The rest is a little too personal. “Her tone became a little sad and started staring off into space.

When she came back she started talking again “Anyhoo, he practically runs this school. He is one of the popular guys, even though he couldn’t give two shits about being popular. He hardly ever talks and the people he keeps around him are his close friends and people he trusts. He doesn’t have a girlfriend because he broke up her, thank god, but is studying dance and music and of course business classes online, for the family business.”

“Ok but you never did answer what is the deal with him and teacher man” I stated.

She froze but after a minute came her reply….. “That’s not my story to tell. If you want to know ask Tank.”

“Ask me what?” came his soft reply as he sat down next to Ang +-but his eyes kept shooting between me and Angeles.

“Nothing” I said.

He obviously didn’t believe me and I wasn’t ready to confront him about it yet.  The silence at the table was awkward and even though Angeles and Tank were having a conversation his golden brown eyes never left my face.

The start of this week was confusing and awkward enough as is, so I choose to leave the table rather than deal with staring all day.

“Ang, I’m going to go practice. I have moves that I need to have ready for tomorrow.” I lied. She easily bought it. Tank on the other hand didn’t

“Which dance class?” he questioned me.

“Hip Hop…” I replied though my voice was a little shaky.

“You don’t have any practice that you need to do in that class.” He stated.

“How do you know?”

“Why don’t you just say the real reason why you’re leaving?” He countered.

“Why does it matter!?” I replied getting up on putting my hands on the table so I was leaning over him slightly and also making myself taller than him.

“Because I don’t like being blatantly lied too. I also know that I was the topic of conversation before I came over and now you’re leaving. So what the hell is up with you!?” He said taking the same stance as me.

Now we were almost face to face, only because he was still taller than me. Both of our faces held frustration and anger on them.

My brilliant reply was “Nothing is wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you?”

We both stood there staring each other down. His golden brown eyes hardening with anger meeting my blueish grey eyes. Neither of us cared about the attention we were drawing, neither wanted to be the first to back down until……

Angeles started laughing. Tank and I looked at her like she was on something.

“I’m sorry but it’s so obvious you two are into each other.” She stated still chuckling.

 He glared at her and I simply walked away while he had a momentary distraction. I wasn’t giving either of them the satisfaction of my reply and because I didn’t really have one, I chose to storm off.

I had so much anger, frustration and embarassment in me, that I didn’t even want to dance. My head was so all over the place and with the oncoming headache, I would probably screw up a bunch of the moves anyways. So i headed back to my dorm room, picked up my Ipod, put the earbuds in and curled up in a ball on my bed, hoping for a well deserved nap at this point. 

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