Fire and Ice

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Hello lovlies.... I'm sorry for the long wait. Anyhoo here is the new chapter and just to let you know there will be some editing going on. there will be no change to the story line. ChildoftheNight is the one editing it. She is going to correct all my grammar and help me make it a little bit longer. I'm proud of this chapter because it is by far my longest one. it will have some errors but im happy with it. I hope you all will be too. Also thanks for all the fans that i have been getting and the wonderfull comments. I thank you all so much now story time. Happy reading



Chapter 5 - Fire and Ice

“Can I see you after class Cay?” Aiden asked me in the beginning of class. I simply nodded in return.

After all the students filed in for class we started our warm ups as usual. As the class progressed on, I realized that Aiden was going unusually easy on us today. We had hardly worked up a sweat, let alone actually learn something and he let us go early. I waited around till everyone left knowing that he still wanted to talk and watched as he approached slowly.

“So there is this project that I volunteered the class for. And I would like for you to help choreograph it with me.” He said smiling like the Cheshire cat for some reason.

“Really!” I asked smiling “What is the project for.” Suddenly finding myself a little giddy.

He chuckled “It’s for the school concert that is coming up. This year’s theme is Anthems. Music and dance that stands for something, for a message. Basically its one big party to get the students interested in something for the greater good.”

“Have you chosen the song yet?” I asked already loving this.

“Sing by My Chemical Romance.” He said still smiling. I think he was just pleased by my reaction.

“So we have three weeks to come up with this dance and for the class learn to dance it?” I asked now skeptically. “That’s not a lot of time to come up with the dance and then to teach it to the class.”

“I know that means we will just have to work together a lot over the next couple days and have the class learn it after class as well but we can do it.” He said positive.

I was unsure but in the end I agreed because this is totally my thing. I was just unsure how Tank is going to take this. Over the past couple weeks Tank and I have developed a routine. We argue during the day but at night when we are dancing, well we communicate so much better. It really is a night and day difference between us.

I have learned so much about him when we dance, but not about this rivalry between Aiden and Tank and not much more about his past. I have learned about him as a person and dancer and only when we are dancing does he let his guard down in the slightest but it is enough for me to see the pain hidden there. And when we dance it’s enough for him to cling to me like I was his life jacket.

He is still adamant about me not being alone with Aiden and here I am volunteering to get all hot and sweaty with him over the next couple days. This is just bound to start an argument I thought.

While I was pondering all the outcomes of the argument that Tank and I are bound to get into, Aiden had started the music and started showing me some moves he has already come up with.

“The good thing is we have an even number of girls and boys in the class. So we can do like a take turn things, then come together to unite us. Here let me think for a minute and can you put the music back on for me please.” I asked with my eyes close already trying imagining the steps in my head and changing some of Aiden’s moves already.

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