Being watched

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Hello all. I am updating once again. I dont know when i will update next, but i hope it will be soon. I'm right in the middle of moving at the moment but im really excited about this story. I had this idea in mind for this chapter and here it is. I appreciate all the votes,comments and fans i have been getting. I really appreciate it. Anyways i hope this chapter doesn't dissapoint. anyways no more talking from me Enjoy :)


When I woke up that next morning, I felt like crap. Too much emotional drama has been taking place lately.  Angeles still hadn’t returned yet from talking with Tank and I was worried that he might hate me now. All this could have been avoided if we had all just communicated properly when the issue first arrived but we didn’t and now all of us are left with this problem between us. A problem that seems like there is no solution too.

Unfortunately for me, I still didn’t know what to make of Aiden. To me, him being a little too forward at times is the only issue I have seen or experienced. I believe Angeles and what happened to her but maybe he was truly sorry and has managed to get ahold of himself. I’m in no way condoning his behavior but can I really judge him, for one without hearing his side, and for another when he has not proved himself to be other than what he is when he is with me.

There are always more than one side to each story. My thinking is that there are actually three sides to each story. One side is the first persons’ story, the second is the other persons’ story, and then you have third. The third is the most likely because of the real story is in fact a combination of the two and only after listening to both sides can you figure out the most likely story.

Another unknown for me is the fact that I hardly know Aiden. I mean sure we have talked a couple times and he has shamelessly came onto me, but I don’t know anything else about the man, which raises the question can I trust him, especially when the two people who have been there for me don’t?

All these thoughts ran through my head during my shower and while heading to meet Aiden for the practice. When I got to the studio, I noticed that the hallways seemed unusually empty. As I stepped into the studio, I saw Aiden warming up without a shirt on. Damn my over active hormones. Even though all of this shit seemed to be centered around Aiden, he is still one hot man.

He seemed to notice that I didn’t want to talk about the kiss that we had and didn’t let it be awkward for which I thanked god for that one.

“Hey why don’t you come in and warm up? Then we can get busy shaking our butts!” Aiden said shaking his butt at me while giving me the shagging eyebrows at his last comment.

I just laughed and started warming up and responded with “Sure I can warm up and but it will be oh so hard with shaking your butt in my face because it is so unattractive and all flabby.”

Man it felt nice, stretching my muscles out and loosening up. It seemed to relieve some of the stress I had. With this concert coming up, and if Damien still wanted to do the competition, that’s a lot of work that needs to be done. Even though the competition is after the concert they are still around the same time. The competition is only a week after the concert.

“Ya right, I’m a dance teacher, nothing flabby on me especially my butt. You wanna feel?” he said suggestively still giving me that shit eating grin of his.

“Nah I’m sure I have felt better but I would rather dance than feel you up. If I remember correctly I hear we have a dance to choreograph. You know for that concert that is coming up that we having practically no time for” I said with a grin on my face.

“Well I wish you would feel me up, because then it would give me a reason to feel you up as well.” He said taking a step closer to me. I felt the heat in the room already rising and we haven’t even begun yet. I didn’t want to go down this road today. But all the same, I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and I averted my eyes to anywhere but him.

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