One thing after another

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Hey people, Another upload yay and its only been a couple days since my last one. Also i was hopping if anyone could make me a New Cover, or know anyone who can. I must admit that i am not skilled in that department. If you can please send me a message.

Anyhoo, i was hoping to have another chapter uploaded last night, but i didn't like it. To me it just didn't feel right and that it progressed the story too much in a direction that wouldn't later make sense with certain events that i want to happen. So after a lot of revision and rewriting here it is. I hope that you all like it. Bewarned it does have a lot of dialogue in it. Im not sure if i will upload during the week but i should have another upload during the weekend. I dont know how my work load will be. Anyhoo, im sure you all want to read so my last thing that i will say is thank you all so much for the votes, fans and comments i have been recieving. Some of them are funny and make me laugh. It means a lot that i have been getting so many comments and votes. So now I'm done finally lol. Enjoy :)


Chapter 9 of Nocturnes Dance - One thing after another

“What are you doing here brother?” Damien sneered.

“Looking for her.” He nodded at me. “Why else would I be here certainly not for you. And I see you finally told her we are related. What took you so long?” Aiden replied with that classic smirk of his.

“She didn’t need to know and still doesn’t know majority of it or need to know it either.” He said giving a pointed look to his brother. “What do you need with her?” Damien asked through tight lips.

What?! I didn’t need to know? How the hell can they keep putting me in the middle of whatever this is with them and say I don’t need to know what is about. That fight with Damien will have to wait till this situation is over but I’m going to kick his ass for it later.

“Well, I want her and I know she loves to dance at night. So I knew where to find her. What I wasn’t counting on was you being here.” He replied still carrying that smirk.

“She is mine” was all Damien said in that cold voice of his.

“Hello…….She is standing right here!” I said while trying to step around Damien.

“Stay put damn it!” Damien growled while trying to stop me from getting around him.

“Why are you stopping her brother? Afraid she is going to choose me?” Aiden taunted Damien.

“No I’m not. I have seen her with you and I know how she is with me. And believe me, when she is with me, it’s nothing compared to you.” He sneered right back at Aiden.

“Will you two please stop? Aiden what are you doing here?” It was now my turn to ask the questions.

“I wanted some time alone with you without your watch dog. I miss you.” He said looking directly into my eyes.

It made me sad to see him like this but this could not have been the worse time to come talk to me.

“Look I know things have been changing but I am with Damien. We can’t really be kissing or anything anymore. I’m sorry but it was always him.” I said. I felt so bad. I wish I would have put a stop to everything a while ago but this is what it is now.

“I want you and I will get you. I always get what I want. Damien will make a mistake and until then I will see you in class. Where he is not welcomed.” Aiden said looking pissed at me. I instinctively took a step back behind Damien and clutched his arm. I must say Aiden is kind of scary when he us upset. I think it’s worse than Damien because he almost seems……sinister.

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