Well.....Hurt hurts

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Hello all. Last chaper i loved all the comments that i recieved. I know you all hate Damon or hate me right now for writing it that way. I also know that things arent being answered as of yet and all i can tell you is it will be. I wont be giving any more hints than that. Now chapter 12 was a total of 14 pages in word. so i will only be uploading this half and making that into chapter 13. What is now chapter 13 was hard for me to write because once again i was drawing on stuff that has happened to me. I'm not sure if i will upload chapter 13 today but i might. I feel reallly bad about seperating the chapter but i think it will be better this way because of my previous chapters generally are all the close to the same length. Anyhoo i hope you all enjoy this and would like to say thank you for all the votes/comments/fans that i have recieved and hope to keep getting more.

Ok i'm also going to reply to some comments here too for the moment.

@ alice_8995, @PeaceinMind, @BrendaG45, @Thecurious, @TheUnknownMe, And @MelanieMayne - You guys were the ones the said you all hate damon in some way well I think everyone hates Damon Right. 

@MelanieMayne - your comment had me laughing the hardest because simply that is something i would say and probably have said it to someone at one point or another. Also i threw a little something in there for you. To give you a clue. Just pay attention to Angeles lol i hope you like it like i did

@PeaceinMind - thank you for saying he is a buttface. I haven't had that term in so long it made me laugh. not to mention out of all the insults i have heard thrown in messages at me for this one, that is the only time i saw the word buttface

@ BrendaG45 - i can see why you say that but you know i can't give anything away as to who she will end up with but when you find out i hope you like it.

@Aprila, @Isabella18,  as well as everyone else that i have mentioned thank you so much for leaving these comments. As i have said before some of your comments really make my day. they are so funny and i love it. Thank you all for reading.

Also i love this song that is on the side and i hope you all like it too. Too me it doesn't quite fit the chapter but yet it does. Oh well Please vote/comment/fan. It means so much to me when you guys do 

So now i'm done enjoy :)


That next morning sucked to put it nicely. I hurt all over especially my feet. I was not prepared for whatever heartbreak today would bring. The only thing that I was grateful for was that I didn’t have classes for the next two weeks and that meant no Aiden. I don’t know about Damien though seeing’s how Angeles is friends with the ponyroller. Ponyroller? I needed some caffeine. I can’t even come up with a good insult for anything in the morning but I find it amusing I might keep it.

Just then Angeles came bounding in. “Come on you time to get up. We are going down for lunch” she said.

Lunch? Well I slept longer than I thought I did. I just grumbled on getting dressed in some sweats and a big hoodie. I had no one to dress up for and didn’t really care who saw me like this. I had a feeling I was going to be favoring this look for a while.

“You are not going out like that are you?” Angeles said with clear disgust in her voice.

I nodded looking her straight in the eyes daring her to try and get me to change. She took the hint though and let it be. When we got down to the cafeteria and were eating, her eyes kept shooting me worried looks. It was really getting on my nerves. If she had something to say then she needs just say it.

Finally! After what seemed like hours but was only another few minutes she spoke up “How long are you going to keep this up. You know the whole depression thing. I mean I get it but don’t you think it’s worse to let him know that he won. To let him see your pain every day is you saying to him you won.”

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