Chapter Three

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I knew it wasn't going to be easy to see her as soon as I suggested it. With the frenzy surrounding the group at the moment, if we were caught together all hell would break loose. Which is why we ended up agreeing to meet at my house, while my family were out (Camila had always been a little frightened of my mom, and I figured this way things would be less complicated).

And just like that, the doorbell rings and I go to open the door. Camila's eyes are glued to the floor in fear, as she has her hair in a messy ponytail, with big hoop earrings and simple makeup on. She's wearing her classic blue jeans and a white crop top; she looks beautiful in the purest sense of the word. Eventually, her eyes meet mine with a shy smile. What do I do now? Do I hug her? Is it weird to hug someone who just professed their love for you? Would I be giving her the wrong idea? Did she even mean it though? Luckily I don't have to overanalyse my actions any longer, as my body goes on autopilot and decides for me, moving slightly to the side to let her in without having to face any sort of awkward contact. We sit on the couch, and both draw in deep breaths in sync with one another, causing us to awkwardly laugh. It dawns on me at a devastatingly quick pace just how uncomfortable this whole situation is. Why the fuck did I invite her here?

'So...' Camila mutters.

Oh yeah, maybe you should try formulating sentences out loud so she can actually hear you. Idiot.

'Do you want anything to drink?' Seriously?

'Listen Lauren, I don't think either of us has the time or patience for these fake niceties...why did you invite me here?'

Now that the ice is broken, I start to feel confident again.

'Why are you pretending like you're in love with me for some sort of pity party?'

'Lauren, I wasn't pretending. I-- I'm not pretending-'

'So your love is so sincere that you'd profess it on national TV before telling me yourself?'

'What did you want me to say, Lauren? That I've been in love with you since the day we met outside those audition booths? That the rumours never quite bothered me the same way they bothered you because they were real for me? That it broke my heart when after all those years of fervent denial, and pushing me away, and dating boys to solidify your straightness, you end up coming out anyway and dating Lucy? That that was the final straw for me and I can't even look at you without my heart breaking because I now know that it wasn't that I was a girl, it's that I wasn't the right one? You're right, Lauren. It all would've been perfect if I'd just told you this in person.'

'You can't be serious, Camila. Are you honestly suggesting you didn't leave the group out of your own selfishness and that it's all my fault? That's fucking bullshit and you know it.'

'No, Lauren, I did leave out of selfishness. I can't stand to see you be happy if it isn't with me, and I couldn't keep pretending like I wasn't in love with you for another whole album cycle. I was bound to implode eventually.'

I sit silent for a minute, taking it all in.

She wasn't lying. Fuck.

'Are you gonna say anything?'

'I don't know what you expect me to say. What did you think would happen after I found out? I'd just drop everything and be with you? I'm in love with Lucy, Camila.'

'So where is she?'


'She knows you're seeing me, right? Where is she?'


I never told Lucy.

'That's none of your fucking concern.'

'You couldn't even tell the so-called love of your life you were seeing me? Why, Lauren?'

I had no idea why.

'You know what else, it takes two people to perpetuate a relationship rumour. Don't consider yourself innocent in all this. Oblivious, that's for fucking sure. But innocent?'

'What the fuck are you talking about? You don't seriously think-'

'Think you're in love with me? If you're not now, you were before. Stop fucking kidding yourself Lauren, how do you think you came to that revelation about your sexuality while on the road with us? Divine intervention?'

'Stop. Stop. Stop. Just fucking stop. You have no fucking right to say this shit to me. You had boyfriends too.'

'Only because you did first! Honestly Lauren, you're the smartest person I know, to this day, but you're so fucking blind it hurts.'

'Get out.'

'What? Why?'

'If you're just here to attack me and bombard me, get the fuck out of my house.'

'Lauren, hear me out-'


Tears form in her eyes as I give them one last look before looking away. She turns around and storms towards the front door, stopping at the doorframe and turning to face me.

'Call me when you decide to be a fucking adult about this. I'm not asking you to marry me here, Lo, I'm asking you to understand.'

And with that, Camila turns and walks away.

(A/N: thank you for bearing with me. I tried to kill myself and landed in hospital for a few days, hence the hiatus. But thank you for your patience and hope you enjoyed! Another update to come soon(: )

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