Chapter 6

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(A/N: a short update, but an update nonetheless. Next chapter will be longer bc dramaaaa! Thanks for being the most patient audience ever. I promise it'll be worth the wait. 💖)

I can't see straight.

I'm with Mani and Dinah at a Grammys after party. We ran into Kehlani and Ty earlier. I took every drink I was offered. I smoked every j I was offered. I'm so crossed it's a joke, but I feel fucking fantastic.

I need to go to the bathroom, but Mani and Dinah are too fucked to get up from their seats by the bar, so I stumble into the bathroom on my own, and practically fall into a stall.

I hear footsteps as sloppy as my own going into the stall next to me. I'm a sociable person when I'm faded, so I decide to start a conversation.

'How's your night going?'

'I hate to quote the Weeknd right now, but I literally can't feel my face.'

She's funny. I like funny.

'Are you sure?'

'Why don't you come in here and kiss me and help me find out?'


'Do I sound like I'm kidding?'

'No, but you sound like you're slurring.'

She laughs hysterically.

'Shut the fuck up and get in here.'

What on earth am I doing right now, and why am I seriously considering making out with this girl? I know I'll regret this in the morning, but there's zero chance I'll remember this girl's name, and I'm lonely as fuck. Between Camz and Lucy, I could use a random hook up. Plus, it's just a kiss, right?

Before I know it, I'm stumbling to her stall and reaching over to knock. My hand doesn't even reach the door though, because it swings open to reveal the girl on the other side.

She's wearing a black satin dress with fishnets and heels. Her curves are outlined perfectly, and suddenly I find myself a lot more turned on than I should be. I'm too busy taking in her physique to even recognise her face, when suddenly--



We spend a few seconds just staring at each other, me taking her in and her checking me out as well. I notice our breathing has intensified, and suddenly I become very aware of how hard I'm biting my lip right now.

Before I know what's happening, she ushers me into the stall with her finger and I follow her in. She pushes me against the locked door.

Only a few moments pass before our lips collide in the most intense, passionate and urgent kiss I have ever experienced in my life.

My hands are lost in her hair, while her arms are holding both my legs around her waist, straddling her whilst our tongues start to move in synchrony.

Suddenly she breaks off the kiss and whispers against my mouth.

'But Lucy-'
'I'll deal with the consequences tomorrow...I've wanted this for 4 years.'

With that, her hands travel under my dress and find their way to my underwear, teasing me by rubbing my centre whilst keeping the layer of fabric between our bodies. She pulls away again, taking in a deep breath.

'Are you sure...'
'-Just shut up and fuck me, Camila.'


I open my eyes.

I don't recognise any of my surroundings.

Am I still drunk?

What time is it?

I attempt to turn over to my nightstand...

...wait. This isn't my apartment.

I look down at my waist and realise there's an arm wrapped around it.

I turn around and meet her face.

She's the simple kind of pretty that takes my breath away with just one glance...

...And also blinds me to how completely fucked up this whole situation is.

I stayed the night at Camila's.

I had sex with Camila.


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