One Bullet

390 5 4

August 27, 2552
Mission- New Aleandria

"That close!" I yelled as an explosion threw Noble team off balance and we scrambled to to the elevators, 6 pulled me to my feet ws stopped and they ran "our best option is a nuclear fallback bunker on sub-level 2 96 meters northeast sir if we've got orders from Holland-" "Kat!" 6 interuppted but as I turned to face her a needle went into the shoulder where my fake arm was, I hit the floor as Noble fired upon the Phantom causing it to flee. 6 pulled me to safety and we moved into the bunker closing it behind, I sat down as blood started to trickle down my fake arm "here let me help" Carter said kneeling down next to me, Carter pulled the needle out causing me wince before the armor was removed and biofoam was applied.

He bandaged the wound before sitting next to her "as I was saying if we'vre got orders from Holland we should be briefed when it's safe" I said recieving a nod in response laying my head against the commander's shoulder "we should take turns keeping watch I'll go first" I insisted glancing towards the commander "fine" he replied taking off his helmet off revealing his augmented blue eyes that I couldn't helped but smile at, I pulled my datapad back out but stole another glance at Carter's face as he drifted off to sleep.
"You should tell him how you feel" Jorge whispered after a while making me look at him "w-what do you mean?" I asked "come on Kat you and Carter have feelings towards each other, don't be afraid to follow your heart Kat" he advised and I couldn't help but smile underneath my helmet.
Jorge was right I did have feelings for the commander but I was still unsure.

Emile was to take the next watch but after a few minutes of arguing Jorge had Carter take the next watch but I stayed awake longer "you should sleep" he saod disrupting my focus "I'm working" was my reply before I gave him a serious look that only lasted for a full minute until I smiled then looked back at my datapad, Carter snatched it out of my hands before putting it on his other side "sleep, work later" he ordered but I tried to grab my datapad until Carter gripped my wrist "let me go!" I hissed "no Katherine as your commander I'm ordering you to rest" "and I'm refusing" I shot back growing more annoyed as time passed.

"Don't be afraid to follow your heart Kat"

I bit my lip and stared at my datapad with a frown before gathering my strength, I sighed before sitting up "fine" I grumbled before he released my wrist but I brought my lips to his for a long kiss and Carter tensed up at first then relaxed, I pulled back to see a look of surprise on his face and it was a rare expression from Carter but I found it sweet "K-Katherine?" he asked uncertain "well now you know how I feel about you" I responded gripping his hand, I laid my head against Carter's shoulder shoulder and he laid down before pulling me against his chest. Carter started to do his work for another 20 minutes then woke Emile up for his shift, Carter wrapped an arm around my waist and I drifted off to sleep.

A/n. I will do another one with them somewhere but I'll work it out.

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