The Promises

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I was sitting on the beach playing in the sand trying to build a sand castle. I felt the next wave of water splash against my legs as I filled the bucket with sand, and I saw two ships fly by.

'I wonder what they're doing' I thought patting the bucket, and I picked it up. The sand was formed so I had started placing small rocks around the top for decoration.

"John, John" my mother called from up the hill, and I glanced at her. She had long dark brown hair and blue eyes like me, and dad.

"Parisa is here" she added so I got up to run strait up the hill to meet my mother.

"Your father is on the way home from work" she said with a bright smile which I returned as we headed inside.

"Can me and Parisa watch the stars tonight?" I asked.

"Sure thing but don't stay out too late" she replied.

Parisa was waiting and she hugged me.

"Hi John" she greeted.

"Hi Parisa" I returned with a grin, my mom made us snacks to eat  and Parisa slsat next to me at the table.

"Okay what do you want to do now?" She asked, and we headed outside to finish the sand castle until a wave splashed down and destroyed it.

Parisa was laughing that I had gotten soaked by the water before I got up, and chased after her across the sandy beach towards the fields as the grass swayed to the rthym of the wind.

The waves kept crashing against the shore banks then pulled back into the sea, Parisa was jumping through the tall grass.

"John I'm a deer come catch me" she called teasing me as her brown hair faced me as she ran, and I took up the challenge to chase her.

I followed her through the field up to the road then back to the beach where I caught her and gave her a hug leaving her shirt covered with water all over the front.

she started laughing again "come on" she said heading to the water.

Parisa started to wade in the ocean picking up sand, and rocks from below the surface until I joined her then we brought rocks to the shore to pile them up on the beach.

I was flattening the pile out with my hands.

"John" she cried and I saw a wave splash over her form then she was carried away.

I ran into the water then dove under the surface, and felt around until I grabbed her hand to pull her towards me.

I lifted her to sit on my shoulders as I headed towards the shore.

I was halway there when my parents and Parisa's father came outside.

"John" my mother called as they came down to the beach.

"Daddy take a picture John saved me!" She shouted, and her father sighed in relief then took a picture of us then another one near our rock pile.

Parisa's father said she could sleepover tonight. My mother brought us inside once more for dinner, but I brought her to my room afterwards, and showed her the coin.

"Where'd you get it?" She asked taking it.

"A nice lady gave it to me during recess today, I won it by playing a game" I replied taking it and putting it in my pocket.

"Do you want to watch the stars with me?" She asked and I followed her back outside where we both ran down to the field to lay in the dirt area we always lay.
It was surround by long stalks of grass where Ellie, Katheria, and I always watched the stars together.

I laid next to Parisa and was stared up at the skies.

"Do you think there is amything up there?" I asked after a while with my hands resting on my stomach.

"Maybe" she replied and the silence returned for a while, and I listened to the soft sounds of the grass still swaying in the wind.

This time the ocean waves calmed down, the moon was in her place in the sky, but part of her was covered in darkness. I stared into the distance to see the sun slowly disappearing from the sky.

"Parisa when we get older I want to marry you" I said befor she smiled.

"You promise?"

"I promise" I said, and we stared back up at the sky.

I stared down at my assualt rifle, and reloaded it quietly then cleaned it before switching over to my pistol to do the same.

I sighed in fustration realizing I hadn't been listening to a thing Cortana was telling me about the sun.

I thought about the photos that were taken that day, and wondered if Parisa still had them with her or if Kelly, and Blue team were alive.

I could talk to Kelly about Parisa, and she would listen even if she didn't know her.

"John, promise me that when this is over you'll find out which one of us is the machine" Cortana said suddenly causing me to pause, and stare at her.

"I promise" was my response and she smiled before Officer Laskey stepped in.

A/n. I did some research and most of this chapter actually goes along with John's story I just added a few things and changed a few but yes John did want to marry Parisa before he was kidnapped.

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