Nightmare~chapter 7

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You pov
~Dream land~
You were in a dark room it was cold and wet. You looked around and saw nothing. You tried to move but couldn't you noticed you were chained to a concrete wall it felt like a prison. Then you notice something was laying in the corner then it groaned . It .. it was Dark. " D.... dark ." You whispered and then he turned over you saw his body that looked like it had been cut all over. He was laying in his own pool of blood. " HELP ME" he screamed you started to cry and just like that he stopped moving and breathing completely. " Who could have done this !?" You asked while crying . " I might of had something to do with it " you paused in fear as you heard a voice that sounded like pewdie

Darks pov
I woke up to the sound of crying and saw Y/n with tears streaming down here face I tried to wake her up until finally she popped up and hugged me tighter than she ever had before. "Kitten what is wrong?" I asked worried " I... I... I thought I lost you!" She cried and then wilford came in " what is going ..... " he stopped when he saw Y/n crying. " what's wrong ?" Wilford asked " oh don't worry about me wilford I just thought I lost Dark." Y/n said while I rubbed her back. " I'm here it's okay kitten I will protect you" I said trying to calm here down. A few minutes later she was asleep on my chest so I laid her down and we went back to sleep.

~Time skip~
I woke up with Y/n not in the bed with me so I got up and went into the kitchen to see her on the couch watching tv. Then she looked at me and said " I think I know what happened last night" I started at her and then she said "pewdies voice was in my dream last night he told me that he might have had something to do with your murder." I stared at her ticked of and then said " I'm going to kick his ass when I find him." " Why ?" She asked " because he is the one who caused your dream!" I said with a growl. I went to my room and called pewdie and he finally answered the phone

P~ "hello"
D~I'm going to kick your ass the next time I see you!"
P~ "what did I .... oh"
P~ " look man it was just a prank"
D~ " oh really just a prank well guess what your prank did to Y/n"
P~" what did I hurt her feelings!"
D~ " yes you did man and she woke up Crying and hugging me tighter than she ever had before!"
P~ "tell her I said I'm sorry okay I got to go bye"
I hung up the phone and walked down stairs and saw Y/n wasn't there and then I heard a Scream "AHHHhHhHHh" Y/n screamed I rushed to the bathroom and kick down the locked door and saw Y/n with a razor blade in her hand and blood on the bathroom floor . I grabbed here and rushed her to the car. I drove to the hospital and ran inside . " WE NEED A DOCTOR NOW" I yelled the nurse call the doctor and brought a stretcher into the hallway and I placed Y/n on it and they pushed her away. I tried to follow but a male nurse stopped me and told me I would have to wait.
~Time skip~
I waited for what felt like forever and then a doctor came over to me and took me to her room. I ran into the room and she said "DARK !" Holding her arms out for me to hug her. I hugged her so tight she almost pasted out. I let go and then said " why did you do that you scared me !" She stared at me and the hugged me and said "I thought you didn't love me!" She cried harder into my shoulder. " I will always love you my little kitten." The rest of the night was silent as we fell into a deep sleep.

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now