Chapter 18~ the beach

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Your pov~

I woke up being shaken and I see Dark in his swim suit. " hey babe let's go to the beach!" He said excitedly .  I get up and go get the swim suit Dark got me. And knowing Dark he got me a black bikini.

"Typically Dark " I thought to my self

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"Typically Dark " I thought to my self.
" hey I tried my best !" He yelled from the other room. I giggled and changed. I walked out with my swimsuit cover on and we left. When we got to the beach Dark and I set up a spot we're nobody else was. We had an umbrella and two wooden chairs (pic above). I then took of my swim suit cover and then heard Dark whistled I giggle while I blush.        " your not bad your self Darkimoo" I said he chuckled and the I turned around for JUST ONE SECOND TO GET MY FREAKING PHONE  and I was swooped up bridal style and carried to the water. "AHHHH PUT ME DOWN DARK NOO!"  I scream I didn't really like the water very much but I can deal with it. " NEVER" he screamed and kept going deeper into the water. "DARK NOT SO DEEP!" I screamed ( Not like that you pervs 😂)
"Fine but, .... "  " I love you and don't be mad at me." I looked at him confused " why would I be ..... Ahhhhhhh!" He had dropped me in the water. " DARK YOU DAMN BASTERED" I screamed and chased him. After a while if chasing him it started to get dark outside . " I wanna cuddle" I whined to Dark in the water. " Fiiiiinnnnee" he got out of the water and came up up to me and wrapped us in a towel. We snuggled in the Same chair until I fell asleep.

Darks pov~

Y/n  fell asleep in my arms  so I picked her up and put her in the car and got all of are stuff. I headed back to the hotel and took Y/n inside and fell asleep next her.

What's up my sneaky peeps and I'm here to tell you I'm sorry for the short chapters lately but it's because I'm writing another book call His Castleso go check it out

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now