Chapter 17~ the trip

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Darks pov~
Y/n fell asleep she was so peaceful I felt joy go over me as they announced we were landing I shook Y/n and woke her up. " huh oh hey Dark." She said . " sleep well baby girl" she nodded. We then landed and we got of the plane and grabbed our luggage. I waved us a taxi and we went to our hotel . Y/n seemed pretty tired so I told her to take a nap while I unpack. "No Dark you have been doing every thing lately I want to help!" She said sternly. I knew better then to argue with a girl so I let her help. Once we were done we took a nap and fell into a deep deep sleep. This was going to be the best trip every I could tell!

Sorry for such a short chapter I am currently writing for my new book Ipliers castle so if you would like to read it you can go checl it out on my page. Peace SLY OUT!

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now