Planning~chapter 10

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Your pov
As we got home me and Dark went upstairs to do some research on we're we would have our wedding. " Dark I forgot to tell my parents about you."
He nodded and handed me his phone so we could face time. I dialed the number and then the phone picked up and my mom was sitting on her couch. " oh hi Y/n how is L.A going and why are you call from a different phone number." She asked. " well mom I'm calling on boyfriends phone !" She was shocked. " let me see him Y/n let me see!" She squealed! Then I said " well he was my boyfriend until..." she went from happy to completely anger. " what did he break your heart because if he did I will..." " until he purposed to me !" She started to scream and then I started to laugh and so did Dark. Then I was picked up and Dark sat me in his lap. " well do you approve of me mrs. L/n.!" " of course I do !" I laughed " okay mom we have to go arrange the wedding so see you later!" She waved bye and hung up. " I knew they would like you Dark!" " I love you" I said " I love you to kitten" he said with a adorable smile.

~time skip~
We had finished planing everything out for our wedding and  we picked a complex in downtown L.A. We were going to check it out today.

~Mini time skip~
We got to the complex and I was amazed by what the sight (picture below.

~Mini time skip~We got to the complex and I was amazed by what the sight (picture below

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Wow it was beautiful "wow it is so beautiful Dark" and then Dark said.       " yep just like you kitten" I blushed and he hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek. I can't wait till December 25th because we chose Christmas to be the wedding date. That would be the greatest Christmas gift ever. " I love it Dark!" I squealed and then he chuckled and said " I glad you like it kitten!" He said and then he said "Come on let's go home and get some rest. I nodded and we left.

~Time skip~
When we got home we heard what sounded like fighting and we walked in to see Wilford and Anti punching each other . Dark ran over to them and grabbed them and ripped them away from each other. " WHAT IS GOING ON?" Dark yelled. They looked at him and then Wilford  said " He was messing with all my weapons  and I caught him red handed!" Then Anti screamed " YOUR A LIAR " " I am not " yelled Wilford and then Anti said " YES YOU ARE!" Finally I have had enough and screamed "SHUT UP!" All three of them looked at me and I got embarrassed and started to cry so I ran up to my room and started crying harder. The I heard a knock on the door. " Y/n it's Dark can I come in ?"
I got up and opened the door and I hugged him tight. He hugged me back and kisses my forehead.  " Anti and Wil came to tell you something." Dark said as Anti and Wilford came up and said " sorry Y/n " at the same time .  " it's okay guys I just have a lot on my mind right now ." Dark hugged me tighter and I started to get tired and he noticed it so he picked me up and Carried me to our bed. " goodnight kitten " Dark said while heading towards the door but I said " can you stay here with me ?" Dark nodded and got in bed and kissed my neck and then I said " good night Dark" after that we fell into a deep sleep.

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now