(Y,n) is a 20 year old girl who lives in a small apartment in L.A! Her favorite YouTubers are Markiplier and Jacksepticeyes . But you were a fan girl like every other girl out there! One night you were laying in your bed watching markiplier when you...
( three months later) Darks pov I woke up and realized that today was our wedding day so I shook Y/n and she mumbled "five more minutes!" I chucked and said " okay I guess we could 5 minutes late for our wedding!" She shot up and kissed me and ran to put in her dress. And I went to put on my tux and bow tie . (Picture below)
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Your pov
I went to get dressed into my dress!
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~Authors note ~ Sorry my sneaky peeps for the short chapter I was at school so I had to end it