The Question~chapter 5

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Your pov
All of the sudden he put his lips on mine and we had to break apart from air. "Dark I love you!" I said and then he said "I love you to Y/n" " will you be my girlfriend?" I stared shocked for a moment and then I said " did you even have to ask?" He smiled and chuckled at me and then he left the room to go talk to pewdiedie and figure out were they were sleeping. A few minute later Dark walk into the room and changed into pjs without a shirt. I blushed but hoped he didn't see but as always he did. " why are you blushing kitten?" He asked " I am not,I am so offended " I said giggling . He chuckled and we laid down and then I asked " were was wilford today we haven't seen him?" Dark looked at me and said " wilfords probably at Marks house" wait you are you related to Mark?" I asked "yeah why do you want to know though?" He asked confused and I answered " I have kinda been A fan for a while maybe we can meet him." He chuckled " I guess we can work something out. He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep I was proud to call Dark my boyfriend!

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now