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You were shocked  at the words that had flown so easily out of his mouth . They replayed in your head over and over again . "I could let you go Darling if you promise to be a good girl and not run." Said Dark. You nodded as he walked over and cut the ropes with his knife. As soon as he step back to talk to Anti you took off up to the door and were stoped by a man with a pink mustache and a red and white striped suite with suspenders. "Who is this lovely lady" he said in a sexy voice "hi um my names ... um .. (Y/n)! You said blushing a little. Then you felt a hand wrap around your throat and slam you against a wall. You screamed in pain as blood dropped down your face. Then Dark came over to you and said "That was not a good kitty!" You spit the blood out of your mouth on his face. He looked at you with a irritated look and slapped you across the face . You whimpered in pain as your cheek stung and then you blacked out .

Authors notes
I'm sorry this was short but could you pleases tell me if I'm doing a good job or not because I have been pre planing this for a while .

(DISCONTINUED) Someone Like You ~ (Darkiplier x Reader Where stories live. Discover now