Chapter 13~Wilford?

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Unknown pov~
I saw how happy  Y/n was with Dark but I wanted her to be mine. I became jealous and came up with a plan to take her.
Your pov~
We got home from the wedding and me and Dark went to watch a movie. We watched big hero six like the big kids we are. Then towards the end of the movie Dark said "Hey babe I'm gonna go take a shower." He said as he left the couch while I nodded. That left me, Wilford and Mark on the couch. After the movie ended they went up to there rooms and I watched F/S. (favorite show) Then I felt like a I was being watched and so I looked out the window and say pink eyes? And then someone burst threw the window and stood informer of you. You looked up to see WILFORD? But this wasn't Wilford this was a ... darker Wilford. He had dark pink hair and a blood red coat on. You then scream "DARK ,WILFORD ,MARK HELP ME!
Then the man grabbed you by your collar while you were gasping for air. The boys rushed out of there rooms and gasped when they saw you. Then the man said " I wouldn't take another step if I were you." He sang in a happy tone. You were turning purple and then you blacked out.
Darks pov~
She had blacked out she wasn't breathing. Then he dropped her on the ground were she lay unconscious. Then he was gone. There was red smoke that filled the room. I can't believe what just happened but I know it looked like Wilford. I turned to him and started to sob " Wilford why did it looked like you?" I sobbed and he said nothing but " I .. I don't .... I don't know." Mark came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said " you can't blame Wilford but I think I know what happened.
Wilfords pov~
I have had dreams about that guy before but I never knew he was real! I feel bad Dark just got married and now I feel like the one to blame for Y/n being taken. I have to stop this! I mean he is me but darker isn't he? Then I got an  idea what about the fan base did they create me ? So I yelled " THE FANBASE!" They both  looked at me weirdly . " what the fuck are you talking about Wilford she is gone who cares about the fan base!" Dark almost yelled at me. " wait Wilford has a point what about the fan base they had to have created him so maybe they have details!" Mark said and I clapped in joy as they got my point. So we got to work find out every thing about this man including the name. His name is Deadstatch.

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