Chapter 25

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"We should split up." Dean said was we walked down the trails towards the camp.

"Are you serious?" I asked him. "Have you never seen a horror movie? We split up we die." I told him.

"First this is not a horror movie, this is real life. Second don't tell me how to hunt." He answered.

"Why don't we split into groups?" Sam whispered as he looked around obviously hopping me and his brother would stop fighting.

"Sounds good to me." Dean said.

"Good all settled, little bit come with me." Spike said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the others.

I looked back to see that Dean had already started walking towards the cabins but Sam was watching me walk away and for some reason I kinda wanted to go back and search around in the dark for monsters with him.

"Stop staring." Spike said as he tugged me again.

"Hey not so hard you're going to dislocate my arm." I told him and he instantly released my hand.

"Sorry love." He answered.

"So what's the plan?" I asked him as we walked the perimeter of the lake.

"How about we get the bloody hell away from the water." He said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me a few feet away.

"The girls have been dying all over Sunnydale, not at the lake." I reminded him.

"How about we go search the spooky house?" He said.

"From what I was told Mark is quite the hermit. He's probably still in the house. How would you get in anyway?" I asked him.

"I'm sure you can think of a way to distract a lonely, weird man." He said as he winked at me.

"Gross and again how do you plan on getting into his house?" I asked again.

"Well if he's human I won't, but if he's a monster I would have a problem getting in now will I." He said before running off into the darkness not giving me a chance to respond or refuse.

"Fuck I hate you Spike." I said to the empty spot he had stood in a few seconds ago.

I walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. There was a loud crash from inside before the door opened a crack. Mark hid behind it only peeking out at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I just wanted to come and apologies for earlier." I told him.

"About what? Lying about being a cop?" He asked me.

"I'm not a cop, I wanted to apologize for my boyfriend and his brother. My boyfriend can be crazy protective and his brother is just plain crazy." I told him.

"Uhhuh." He responded.

"So can I come in?" I asked him.

"No." He answered quickly.

"No?" I asked confused.

"Sorry but I don't want your crazy protective boyfriends crazy brother to shoot me. So please go away." He said before I could respond there was a loud bang that came from inside the house.

"What the hell was that?" He asked as he tried to shut the door on me and go look but I put my foot in the way.

"I'm sure it's nothing." I said as I followed him inside.

I frantically looked around for Spike but the only people in the house was Mark and I.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out?" He yelled at me once he realized I was standing there.

"Okay I'm going, no need to yell." I told him as I hurried outside.

Once outside I quickly ran down the path that led away from his house. I had only taken a few steps into the woods when hands wrapped around my waist and mouth pulling me into them.

"Guess what I found?" Spike said into my ear before I could attack him.

"What the hell Spike? I could have stakes you." I yelled at him.

"Please, I'm too fast for you." He answered.

"So you did get inside?" I asked him.

"Yep." He answered.

"Well at least now we know. He's not human." I said.

"We should go find the wankers." Spike told me.

"Let's go." Responded as I took out my phone and texted Sam to meet me back at the car.

"What's going on?" Dean asked a few minutes later.

"Mark's our guy." Spike said to him.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"Because we broke into his house." Spike answered.

"Correction you broke into his house. I stood in the door way." I corrected him.

"Your point?" Dean asked.

"If he was human I would not have been able to come inside without an invitation, which I did not have." Spike answered.

"What else?" I asked him.

"That chest you told me about, I broke into it." He told me with a proud stupid little smile on his face.

"And what did you find?" Sam asked speaking directly to him for the first time.

"Pretty little bottles of water." He answered.

"Water?" Dean asked.

"Well not just water. They were packed up like he planned on selling them. In pretty little bottles." He repeated again.

"He's selling the lake water?" I asked more to myself then to them.

"Why would he do that?" Sam asked.

"Beats me." Spike answered.

"I have an idea." I told the group.

"Well what is it?" Dean asked.

"Spike do you still talk to that wrinkly daemon who eats kittens?" I asked him.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"Does he still deal in the underworld market?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Go talk to him. Ask him about someone selling water from this lake." I told him.

"Okay." He answered but no one moved.

"Now guys, before someone else dies." I told them.

"Right." Sam said and we all climbed back into the car.

"Were to?" Dean asked.

"Sunnydale Memorial Cemetery." Spike told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"It's time to go home." He answered.

I could not help but smile at the fact that Spike still has Clem crypt sit when he stays with me. Even when we lived in that house together he left his crypt to Clem for safe keeping.

"God you guys are so weird." Dean said before he started to drive off.

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