Chapter 12

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I drove on for hours. Every now and then I would look in my rear view mirror to see that the Winchesters were still fallowing me.

I knew they must be ready to pass out because I was tired. I pleased me to know that they were fallowing me. For two very different reasons. One being I just liked watching Dean suffer and he really did not like having me around. Two I was not alone. Even though I was alone in this car they were fallowing me. They were coming with me to Sunnydale so we could work this case together.

Well actually they were fallowing me because I told them to and I think they are scared to piss me off. I was going along not for the case but just because I wanted to see an old friend. It really had been too long.

My excitement grew and grew the closer we got t Sunnydale. I knew by now that Dean must be starving. What I realized in the short few days with him was he was always stuffing his face whenever he got the chance. It gave me a small ping of pleaser to know that he was uncomfortable. At the same time that meant Sam was hungry to and he was too nice to let suffer.

I got off at the next exit and drove until I saw an IHOP. I let out a little laugh I did whenever I saw an IHOP because now every time I do my brain instantly thought “International House of Psychopaths.”

Man I love the Following.

I decided that it was time for us to eat and pulled into the parking lot. Dean’s car quickly pulled in and parked next to me.

Dean got out of the car and quickly ran inside leave the two of us standing there looking after him.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.

“Well we have been driving for about ten hours.” He posed and I shrugged my shoulders signaling I did not get the point.

“He really has to use the bathroom.” He said.

I could not help but laugh at the thought of Dean peeing in his pants. I was surprised when Sam joined in with his own laughter.

“Come one lets go get a table.” He said as he placed his hand on my upper back pushing be towered the restaurant.

I instinctively pulled away from his unexpected touch and instantly wished I had not.

He was obviously not trying to harm me and looked sad that I had reacted in the way I did.

“Let’s go.” I said walking away from him. Not wanting to worsen the situation by trying to explain myself.

Once inside we were seated rite away. There was surprisingly not a lot of people in here for a Saturday around eight o’clock.

Dean joined us about two seconds after we took our seats in a small little booth in the corner of the restaurant.

“So how much longer until we get there?” Dean asked.

“About an hour and a half.” I told him.

“Your shore your friend will be working the case?” He asked.

“Yes. He’s always in the middle of everything that happens in Sunnydale.” I answered.

The waiter came over interrupting or conversation. We all ordered coffee.

Then quickly placed our food orders not wanting to waste any more time.

I got a steak with two over easy eggs. Sam got a Chicken salad and Dean got a double bacon cheese burger. I really could not understand how he was in such good shape considering all the greasy unhealthy food I have seen him eat in the last few days alone.

Once the waiter left we continued our conversation.

“Is it really that bad there that the town needs in its own hunter?” Sam asked.

I could not help but smile when he said hunter. Well they are going to be in for a shock when we get there. For now I just let them believe that my friend was a hunter. Well I mean he was in some sort of way.

“Well the town is built over the hell mouth. So yes.” I told them.

“I thought it was closed.” Sam responded.

“It’s is but that don’t stop the monsters from being drawn to its residual energy. Others move back out of sentimental reasons, others just want to re-open the thing.”

“Demons always trying to open a gate to hell. I mean if they like hell so much why don’t they just stay there?” Dean asked sarcastically.

After we all sat there in silence trying to force as much caffeine into our bodies as humanly possible our food finally came.

We all eat quickly all agreeing that he had been here too long. When the bill came I paid. I was not quite shore where they got their money from considering they don’t have a real job and have no family to send them any. It took a little convincing but in the end I got Sam to agree to let me pay.

Then we got in are cars and sped out of the parking lot. Under two more hours and we would be in my home away from home.

Sunnydale, my favorite place in the world.

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