Chapter 14

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            It took longer than I had wanted for Sam to get Dean out of the room. He was too comfortable on the nice beds they had here and did not want to leave. Sam had to pull him out of the bed and force him into the car.

            “Can’t we just sleep for a little while?” Dean pleaded.

            “No we go know.” I told him.

            We all climbed into Dean’s car my car was only a two setter so I had to leave her at the motel.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the most popular club in Sunnydale. It was called The Pit. The name was not the best but there was something about this place that kept the people coming.

The line to get in was around the block. Once we were parked and out of the car. Sam and Dean looked around.

“A club?” Sam asked.

“Yep.” I said as we walked over to the door.

I walked rite to the front of the line not bothering to wait. There were many protests coming from the line as we walked by.

“I think the line starts back there.” Dean said sarcastically.

“You don’t have worry about it. I know the bouncer.” I told them.

I walked up to Paul who stood guarding the entrance to the club. He was massive to say the least. Standing at almost seven feet tall was just the begging of it. He was a body builder and was one of the most muscular guys I have ever seen. He is also the strongest.

“Hey Paul.” I said to him.

His green eyes met mine.

“Destiny long time no see.” He said as he smiled at me.

“To long.” I told him. “So do you think you can get me in?”  I asked him already knowing the answer.

“Of course.” He said as he moved out of the way letting me pass into the club.

Sam and Dean tried to follow me in but Paul stopped them.

“Destiny.” Sam called after me.

“It’s okay Paul there with me.” I told him.

He gave me a strange look that told me he was not shore if he should let them in to.

“Fine.” He said and let them pass.

Once we were inside my ears were assaulted by the loud music. It was one of those clubs that play techno type music that really made no sense but had great beats. We found a table and the three of us sat down. I looked around canvasing the place. The place was packed tonight and I was not the only one to notice.

“So where’s your friend?” Sam asked.

“He’s here.” I told him.

“Well if this is where he likes to hang out I don’t know if I trust his judgment much.” Dean said. Obviously talking about the music.

“He does not come her for the music.” I told him.

“Then what does he come here for?” He asked.

“They have an amazing onion blossom. Plus the girls.” I said pointing to all the drunken girls flirting with anyone who shows them attention.

“So how do you plan on finding him in here?” Sam asked.

“I don’t. He will find me.” I said as I stood up.

I took off my jacket and threw it in Dean’s face.

“What the hell?” He asked as he removed it from his face.

Then I through my handbag at him. “Hold my stuff.” I said as I made my way to the dance floor.

I could hear Sam and Dean bickering as I walked away but could not make out any words over the loud music.

I made my way to the middle of the dance floor and started moving along with the upbeat music. I swayed my hips from side to side keeping up with the beat. I moved my hands up and down my body obviously trying to be sexy. Well not trying, I was being sexy.  I looked around at the people around me. I could see guys eyes on me but no one dared to come near me. I would look back and smile at them making them blush before turning to face the other way. I dance like this for about another ten minutes when I felt someone approach me from behind. He stepped into me so my back was touching his chest. He gently ran his fingers down my arms until they found my hands. Our fingers were quickly intertwined.

I did not have to turn around to know it was him. He started to move along with me. Dancing along with me. He slowly moved our hands up over our heads as we danced together. He then leaned into me his nose resting on my cheek.

“Hello love.” He whispered into my ear.

A small shiver ran through my body. Then I was quickly pulled of the dance floor and my back was slammed against the wall. He continued to hold my hands up over my head. I looked up at the person I was dancing with seconds before. He was already fully vamped out. His forehead was all lumpy and scrunched like it does when the vampires show there true sleeves. His eyebrows had all but almost disappeared only leaving behind the scare over his eye where his eyebrows were supposed to be.

His blue eyes shown as he looked at me. His smile was almost sinister because of his sharp fangs.

“You should really be careful of who you let sneak up behind you.” He told me.

“What makes you think I let you sneak up on me?”  I asked him with a big smile on my face.

We stood there for a moment just looking at each other before he let my hands go but he remanded unmoved.

His chest rested against mine not letting me move.

“I knew you would not be able to stay away.” He whispered into my neck with his sexy British accent.

I could feel the tips of his teeth brush against my neck. Just then nothing was there. I opened my eyes and saw Dean holding him down Sam leaning over him about to steak him.

“No!” I screamed.

I did not have time to think I through my arm forwarded sending both Sam and Dean flying through the air and landing in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone stopped what they were doing to check out the seen but only for a second. When they saw there was no danger they just went back to what they were doing.

God I loved Sunnydale. Only in this town would people not think twice about two grown men flying through the air.

I ran over to him.

“Spike are you okay?” I asked him as I helped him stand up.

“Bloody hell.” He said as he ran his fingers through his bleached blonde hair trying to fix it. His face completely back to normal.

“Yah your fine.” I said and gave him a slight smile.

Sam and Dean made their way back over to us.

“What the hell Destiny?” This time it was Sam who yelled at me.

“Are these wankers friends of yours?” Spike asked me.

Well this was not how I wanted this to go. 

A/N Check out the video. Its dedicated to Spike and all of his sexieness. lol is that a word sexieness. 

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