Chapter 28

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"I'm sorry but mom would kill me if I took the book out of the house. You do remember what happened the last time?" Wyatt asked me.

"What one little worm whole and now I'm not to be trusted?" I asked him.

"Exactly, but not just you none of us are allowed to remove the book." He told me.

"Wait you opened up a worm hole?" Sam asked.

"Just once and I closed it before anyone was hurt." I told him.

"I need to see the book. I have a hunch what we're looking for but I need to know how to kill it." I told him.

"Well I can take you there if you want." He told me.

"I really was hoping you would just bring the dam thing to me." I told him.

"That's just the way it is." Wyatt said to me.

"Fine. Let's go." I said as I held out a hand for Sam and Dean.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Are you coming?" I asked him in return.

"Is it safe?" Sam asked.

"It's the same thing as you angle poofing you out of a room." I told him annoyed that they did not trust my cousin.

"Okay." Sam said as he grabbed onto one of my hands.

Dean reluctantly grabbed onto the other.

"Okay, everyone hold on and it will be over in a second." Wyatt said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait what?" Dean asked but before anyone could answer we were all engulfed by bright white light.

A few seconds later we were in the attic. I quickly let go of their hands and ran over to the book.

"It will pace just try to breath." Wyatt told the two of them.

I looked up to the two of them. Sam was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and Dean was hunched over grabbing onto his knees as they fought the light headiness.

"You'll get used to it." I told them causing Wyatt to smile and me to stick my tongue out at him.

I went back to focusing on the task at hand. A few seconds later Sam was at my side looking at the book as I flipped through the pages.

"Are these all real?" He asked causing Dean to walk over and take a look himself.

"Some of them are dead but yes they are all real." I told him.

"That is one ugly mug." Dean said as I flipped to the page of a phlegm like daemon.

"Hear it is." I said as I pointed to a page that had a picture of a lake and the name Hinqumemen.

"There's no picture." Dean said.

"That's because it has no true form. Not really it takes on the form of those it has killed." I told them before looking back to the page.

"The Hinqumemen is a North American aquatic demon and is incredibly deadly." I read.

"The Hinqumemen is a monster that dwells in the water. Its name means 'Engulfer'. The Hinqumemen was compiled of only water and appeared as a lake to ambush its victims. It's moved itself from hole in the ground to hole in the ground to fill it with its watery body to pose as another. When anyone came to the late to take water the monster will stalk their victims. Then it would engulf then and then return to the original lake." I read from the book.

"How do you kill it?" Sam asked as he looked over the page seeing that was all it said.

"It's never been done. Destiny this is very dangerous." Wyatt said as he walked over to see exactly what I was looking at.

"I'll figure it out." I told him.

"You'll need help." He told me.

"I have help." I answered as I pointed to the Winchesters.

"Real help. This is similar to the monster that killed gram and almost killed Pure." He told me like I needed to be reminded of the family members I had only ever seen as ghosts.

"Hey were real help." Dean said causing Sam to lightly punch him in the stomach.

"It's too dangerous you should ask your mom for help." Wyatt said to me.

"No!" I yelled at him instantly regretting it as I felt the atmosphere of the room become thick.

A second latter the thickness was gone and my three sisters stood there staring at me with smiles on their perfect little faces.

"Destiny!" They all squealed before running over and hugging me.

"Let me go." I said but they just squeezed me harder.

I blinked and poofed out of the forced hug and appeared next to Sam.

"Oh you brought friends." Prudence my older sister my year said as she looked over to Sam and Dean.

"There not my friends." I responded.

"Is one of them your boyfriend?" Parker my younger sister asked as the three blondes started to flank the brother.

"No." I answered.

"Knowing Destiny there probably both her boyfriends." Payton the youngest said as she ran a hand over Dean's right arm.

"Gross, were brothers." Dean said as he pulled his arm away from her.

"So love is love." Payton said.

"Stop bothering them." I told the three of them.

"I don't love your sister, I don't even like her a little bit." Dean responded.

"This one does." Parker said as she ran her hands threw Sam's long hair.

"What?" Sam asked as he latterly jumped out of her grasp.

Dean just looked at him with wide eyes like my sister just told him his brother was going to explode.

"What my sister means is he could. The spark is there it just needs to me ignited." Prudence said as she pulled the other two away.

"Would you like us to shoot you with a cupid arrow?" Parker asked as she was being dragged away.

"This is exactly why I did not want to come here." I told Wyatt.

"It has been forever since you ben home, we can't be that bad." Payton said saddened by my words.

"Your happiness makes me sick." I told them as I grabbed onto Wyatt.

"Take us back." I said to him.

"Wait please don't go, mom has been worried sick about you. You should really wait for her to get home." Payton told me as she reached out for me.

"Wyatt now!" I yelled at him as I held out my hands to Sam and Dean.

The two of them took hold and Wyatt got us out of there. A few second later we were back in my hotel room.

"Destiny." Wyatt said the second I pulled away from him.

Sam and Dean sat on my bed trying to steady themselves.

"Destiny can we talk?" He asked.

"Get out." I told him coldly.

He did not argue he just shimmered away. Leaving me alone with Sam and Dean.

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