Chapter Six

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I woke up from a loud banging on my door.  I quickly shot up and grabbed the knife I had under my pillow. I looked over to the clock that sat on the table next to the bed. It was four o’clock in the morning. However was at my door better been planning on killing me, it’s very rare that I get to sleep and when I do I don’t like to be woken up.

            I stood behind the door and slowly pulled it open. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness as the figure walked into the room. I raised my hand above my head ready to strike when my sight came into full focus and I could see who the intruder was.

            “I’m behind you.”  I said as Dean jumped almost a foot of the ground.

            “What’s wrong with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He snapped at me through slightly gasping breaths.

            “Sorry.”  I said as I turned on the light.

            “If I knew you were such a girl I would not have snuck up on you.”

            “I’m not a girl.” He responded.

            “If that’s what you want to tell yourself. Is there a reason that you where banging on my door this early?” I asked him.

            “Where ready to go.” He told me in a stern voice.

            I recalled all that happened yesterday and unfortunately it was not a dream. I was stuck hunting down this witch with the Winchesters. Not that the help would not be good but I did not like to surround myself with humans. Even ones who know as much about my world as the Winchesters. They just never understand. Now that I think about it no one ever understand.

            When I pulled myself out of my own head I was meet by Dean’s judgmental eyes.

            “Get out.” I told him.

            “What?” Was all he said.

            “Get the fuck out of my room.” I told him.

            He just stood there like an idiot looking at me. Like he could not believe someone would talk to him that way.

            “I need to change.” I told him. He finally seamed to understand what was happening around him and turned and walked out of my room. I quickly slammed the door shut behind him with my mind.

            I quickly pulled on new jeans and a white tea and made my way outside.

            The two of them where standing out there leaning against their car.

            “I’m ready.” I told them as I shut the door behind me.

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