Chapter Ten

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I found my way back to the house a few hours later. I had not even realized I was walking back this way until I saw Sam and Dean leaning against their car that had now been moved into Victoria’s garage. I started to walk up the drive way. I was half way up it when I saw Victoria in side through the window. I hoped she did not come back until it was over. Seeing that was something that you could never be unseen even for the strongest people.

“Where the hell have you been?” Dean yelled at me.

I just completely ignored him.

“Is it done?” I asked him.

“Yes. The body’s in the trunk. We need to dump it somewhere.” Sam told me.

“Good.” I said. Then noticed that something was wrong. There was no smell.

Unfortunately I have seen a witch be purged by fire before and thing I remember the most was the smell of burning flesh. It over powered every memory of that day. More than the flames, more than the agonizing screams, more than the look of the charred body. The smell was by far the worst part.

I looked up at the two of them.

“You did not burn her did you?” I asked them.

“No. It just did not seem rite.” Sam said.

“You two are idiots. I told you what needed to be done. I should have just stayed and did t myself.” I snapped at them.

“I’m sorry but just because were hunters does not mean were cold blooded killers. Burning witches at the stake is where I draw the line.” Dean yelled back at me.

I could not help but laugh at his statement.

“That’s exactly what being a hunter is. A cold blooded killer. Doing what you have to do to protect others. Or have you forgotten?” I asked him.

“Hey I think your being a little harsh. She’s dead. That’s all that matters.” Sam told me.

“That’s not all that matters. She will be reborn. What about all the future lives you could have saved? Or is that someone else’s problem?”

“Burning people alive is just wrong.” Dean said.

“Yes it is wrong, yes it sucks but it’s done for a reason. It works. Witches are always reincarnated when they die. Always. Their nature does not change in a new life. They just become stronger. Every life they gain a little more power, a little more knowledge. That’s why the laws are made. A witch who chooses to use her powers for evil must be killed my fire to not only kill her but purge the world of her impure soul.” I yelled at them. “My god your just as week as my family. Let’s go bury her body.” I told them as I got into the back seat of deans car.

We sat in silence the entire drive. It was not until we were in the forest digging a grave that someone finally spoke. Unfortunately it was Dean.

“So have you burned a lot of your own kind at the stake?” He asked me.

“Just one.” I told him as I thought about Mary.

“It haunts me till this day, but I don’t regret it for a minute. It had to be done. She was my best friend but she lost her way.” I told him. Saying more then I planned to.

We continued to bury the witch in silence and sat in silence all the way back to the motel. I climbed out of the car slamming the door behind me and walked off and rite into my room.

I quickly through all my clothes off and climbed into the shower. I let the water fall down my body and tried to wash away all that had happened that day.

A/N Sorry for it being so short the next chapter will be up soon, and take a look at the Supernatural tribute video

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