Chapter 19

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“So what is our angle going to be?” Sam asked as the three of us made our way into the camp.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him confused.

“Are we cops, FBI? This is your town what do you think is best?” Sam asked me.

I could not help but laugh in his face.

“What is so funny?” He asked.

“This is Sunnydale no one talks to the cops, just follow my lead.” I told him.

We walked around until I found a counselor. She was an attractive young blonde girl. Maybe about nineteen years old.

“Excuse me.” I called out to her.

She spun around to look at us. She looked the three of us over and smiled when her eyes met Deans.

“How may I help you?” She asked him with a smile.

Of course he did not answer so I answered for him.

“Were here because of all the drowning’s.” I told her.

Her smile instantly disappeared and her expression hardened as she looked us over once again.

“Are you cops?” She asked as she crossed her arms.

“Do I look like a cop to you?” I asked her.

“No but they do.” She answered.

“There no. My name is Destiny and Spike sent me.” I told her.

She instantly relaxed at hearing Spike and my name.

“Oh thank god. I was not shore if he would send help because all the murders happen during the day.” She responded.

“Why would you think the girls were murdered?” Sam asked her.

He was obviously surprised someone had jumped to the right conclusion.

“Well it’s obvious that it’s a demon.” She responded.

“You know about demons?” Same asked.

“This is Sunnydale everyone knows about demons. Destiny I guess you needed some muscle but do your guys know what’s going on?” She asked.

Dean stood there quite, Sam looked surprised and offended.

“They have plenty of experience. This is Sam and Dean Winchester. There just not used to people knowing about things like demons.” I told her.

She nodded to me that she understood.

“So what can I help you with?” She asked.

“What can you tell us about the victims?” Sam asked her.

“Well besides the fact that there all young and good looking not much. As far as I know outside of camp I don’t think they know each other.” She answered.

“Who runs the camp?” I asked.

“That would be Mark. He owns all this land. He lives in the house on the hill.” She said pointing to a small white house in the distance.

“Family?” I asked.

“No. he’s all alone.” She answered.

“What did the girls do here?” Sam asked.

“Marie was a swim instructor. Kim was a cook. Terri taught archery and Sam was a life guard.”

“Would they normally work together?” Sam asked.

“Marie and Sam but that’s really all I know. I could show one of you to their bunks are if you like.” She told us.

“Me!” Dean yelled out.

He scared the poor girl.

“I can speak.” He called out in excitement.

“Pie, sex, burgers.” He continued as he touched his face.

I could not help but laugh.

“This is not funny.” He yelled at me.

“You have not been able to talk for over an hour and the first thing you say is pie, sex and burgers.” I could not help but laugh at him again.

“This is all your fault!” He yelled at me as he stormed towered me.

Sam stopped him before he could reach me. I would have been able to handle him fine on my own, but I let Sam feel useful.

“Get out of my way Sam.” He said to his younger brother.

“No Dean we don’t have time for this. You two can kill each other latter.”

Dean looked at his brother for a few more seconds.

“I’m going with you to the bunks.” He told the girl.

She gave me a worried look so I gave her a calming smile.

“This way.” She said to him before turning to walk away.

Leaving just Sam and I.

“You should go talk to the kids see if they have seen anything strange. I’ll go talk to hermit Mark.” I told him.

“Do you think that’s a good idea? Maybe I should go talk to Mark.” He told me.

He was worried about me I could sense it.

“I’ll be fine. Plus I have no idea how to talk to kids.” I told him truthfully.

I always seemed to scare them.

“I also think the lonely old man would be more willing to talk to me than you.”  I told him.

“Fine. Meet back here in an hour or I am going to come get you.” He told me.

“You don’t need to worry about me.” I told him as I started to walk towered the small white house.

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