Prep for Pax West

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"Hurry up (y/n)! We're going to be late!" My best friend Cati yells up the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. Ok I just need to pack this one last thing. My sketchbook. You never know when a good drawing opportunity will come up. I after my suite case is all packed along with my backpack I head downstairs. 

"Ok I'm ready." I say.

"About damn time. Our Uber is outside waiting for us." Cati says.

We get into the Uber and head to the airport. 

"I can't wait to get there!" Cati says excitedly. She's always wanted to go to Pax. Especially to meet some of her favorite YouTubers. "What if we bump into Markiplier and become great friends with him and his friends!" 

"Don't get your hopes up. I doubt he'll become bff's with his fans, especially that quickly." I say. 

"Don't be such a buzz kill. It could happen." She says. I just shrug.  

"Let's get to our plane." I say


~~~Time Skip to Seattle~~~

"YAY! We made it!" Cati yelled when we stepped out of the airport.

"Cati hush! People are staring." I don't like having attention on me, especially awkward attention. 

"Oh come on (y/n). We are Seattle getting ready to head to Pax. Aren't you a little exited?"

"I am. I'm just exited on the inside." I say a little shyly. "We should head to the hotel to drop our stuff off and then we should explore a little bit. Pax doesn't start until tomorrow." I say.

"Deal." Cati says.

When we get to our room I decide to put on my favorite hoodie because it's a little chilly. Cati does the same.

We go explore a little bit. We hit up a few stores but don't buy anything. We have to save up our money for the stands at Pax. 

We do hit up and ice cream place. I get a single (f/f) in a cup and Cati gets a single chocolate chip mint on a cone. We sit in a booth of the ice cream parler. 

"So what are you going to ask Mark and the guys when we get to the panel?" Cati asks.

"I don't know yet."

"You don't know yet. You better figure that out before tomorrow." She takes another bite of her ice cream.

"Yeah. What are you going to ask?" I ask her.

She looks at me with her heterochromia eyes. One eye is blue and the other is green. I always thought that was cool. To have 2 different colored eyes. "I'm going to ask them all to do friend yoga on stage. I think it's going to be funny." She smiles.

"Like when Bob and Mark did friend yoga on the charity live stream for Musiclay." I say. When I think about that even I smile.

"Yeah." Cati says looking out the window. "Hey it's getting dark. We should head back to the hotel."

"Ok lets head back" We get up from the booth and head back to the hotel.

When we get back I plop myself on my bed and I curl up and insistently fall asleep. 

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