Lost Part 1

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Ug...Why does my head hurt so much? You open your eyes. Your laying down inside a room. It was dark but light from the moon was showing through the window to your left. You start to sit up. A shooting pain hits your right shoulder.

"Whoa there. You're injured. Take it easy." A mans voice says. It was a man with curly brown hair. 

"Who are you?" You ask. 
He has a look of confusion on his face. "Who am I? It's me Tyler. Your boyfriend. You must of really gotten hit heard in the head."

I reach for my head. It was bandaged up. "What happened. I don't remember anything." You ask.

"We were running away from some bad people. They caught up with us and shot you in the shoulder. You fell and hit your head on a rock pretty hard." Tyler explains.

"Who were we running from?" You ask. "And why are they bad?"

"The government. They found out about us. That we are not normal." He said.

"What do you mean we are not normal?"

"You see the two of us.... we're...we're runaway experiments." He says. 

"Runaway experiments?" 

"Yes. We, with 4 other friends volunteered for some top secret government experiment because we needed the money. But what we didn't know was how horrible it was going to be. We didn't know the risks that we would have to take." Tyler looks out the window. He looks like he's about to cry.

"What happened to our friends?" You ask.

"Our friend Amy was injected with alien DNA. She always liked aliens. She would of loved to be one... but not like the one she was turned into. The experiment went wrong of course and she went on a rampage. Killed several scientists. So they had to put her down. Mark was put on these ultimate steroids. He would of been like a superhero if the drugs didn't kill him. They overdosed him on it. Ethan they were trying to make into a cyborg. Of course when they were doing test runs with some of his new body parts, the parts exploded. Kathryn they tried mutating her with a cat and a dog. They successfully did it but the dog and cat parts of her kept trying to kill the other. She ripped herself to shreds."

"That's horrible." You say. "Why would the government do such weird and horrible experiments like this?" You ask. "And what about the two of us?"

"For power. They wanted super beings to help take down other military." He says looking back at you. "As for me and you. We are the only ones that survived the experiments. You are able to control things with your mind. Me, I'm able to turn my body into any hard substance."

Suddenly the two of you see bright lights from outside of the window. "Quick, duck." Tyler says. "And be quite." You also hear the sound of a helicopter over head. "There tracking us down." Tyler whispers. 

When the coast was clear Tyler told you that the two of you need to leave and find another place to hide. 

"Where exactly are we going to hide?" You ask.

"I don't know. But I have an idea. We just need to make it to the Canadian boarder." He says.

"Don't we need passports to cross?" 

"Yes luckily I know someone who can help us." He has a smile on his face.

We get to a pay phone. Ty puts some change in the pay phone and dials a number.

Tylers POV

"Who is this?" The deep voice asked.

"It's me."

"Aw, Tyler! My favorite client. How you been. And what about those friends of yours?"

"I'm good. And my friends are dead, or 4 of them at least are."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. What can I do for ya?"

"You owe me favor. And I'm taking it." 

Your POV

"Ok. We're getting our passports. We just need to head to LA and we should get them by the end of this week." Tyler says. 

We head out to LA in disguises. When we get close we start to hear sirens. 

Black vans start to surround our car. A helicopter over top of us. 

"Tyler..." You say worryingly.

"Don't worry. I got this." He says in deep but calm voice.  

He starts to hit the car next to us. 

"What are you doing!" You scream at him. 

"Getting us out of here! I'm going to get us off this road."

"But there's a cliff there!"

"When we jump off I need you to concentrate and use your power to glide us down to the ground. Then we're going to run."

Tyler keeps hitting the van next to us until there's  a space big enough for the car to make it's escape. 

The gap is big enough and he speeds through. You are holding on for your life. Tyler then runs the car off the cliff. You use your power to glide the car down. But it was a bit bumpy. Grazing a few trees on the way down. When you hit the ground the two of you get out quickly and start to run for it. The helicopter still overhead. Luckily the trees are helping with cover. 


The two of you have been running for hours. It's dark.

"Where are we Tyler?" 

"We're almost to LA." He says.

"How can you tell?"

Tyler points ahead and you see bright lights of a city. The two of you head out there. Hoping the two of you get there safely. 

Wow I am so sorry it's been so long since I've updated this. I've been really busy and lazy at the same time. I also just recently got a puppy so I've been taking care of her. I do have another chapter in the process and I'll see how soon I can get that out. So yeah. Bye for now!

Lost in Love (Tyler Scheid and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now