The Punishment

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Amy, Cati and I thought about what to do for the guys punishment for a week before we finally figured out what we wanted to do to them. They were going to put on a fashion show for us, record it and put it on Marks channel.


We walk downstairs where the boys were.

"Oh boys!" We sing together. 

"Yes." They say together.

"We finally figured out your punishment." Cati says with a smile.

"What is it." Ethan says a little worried.

"You guys are going to put on a fashion show for us..... and YouTube." I say.

"But we have to choose the clothes, but you guys can do your own makeup." Amy says.

They guys groan a little. 

"Well it's not going to be that bad." Mark says. 

"Well.... You guys are also going to be doing in front of a crowd. It's going to be held where Mark did is punishment. The improve place." Amy says.

"We put up a redit and a cragslist so we could just get random people in the audience. We didn't use your names so we didn't get all fans in the audience. We wanted a majority of the people to not know you so it's a little more cringe worthy." I explain to them.

"Oh." Mark looks down in a little bit of disappointment. 

"Now let's get y'alls clothes." I say.


We went to several clothing stores to get the guys dresses that fit them. And a few that were a little to small for funnsies. Even some ridiculous high heals and a few wigs. We went to the drug store to get some cheap but pretty make up to make the guys beautiful. We even made sure to video tape the process of all this to go with the video.

The guys were exhausted from trying on dresses all day. They slumped on the couch at home.  

"So when are we doing the punishment?" Tyler says.

"That wasn't punishment enough?" Ethan says winningly. 

"It's tomorrow." I say,

"We need to be there at 8:30 and the pageant will start at 9:30. Enough time for you guys to get ready." Cati says. 

"To make you guys all pretty like." Amy says kissing Marks cheek. 

~~~Time Skip to the Next Day~~~

We had arrived to the place and set up the cameras where they need to be. The guys were back stage putting on their first dress and Cati helping with their makeup. People were arriving and sitting down. A few people did recognize us. Every seat was filled.

It was 9:30 so we decided to start. Kathryn was in the audience filming to get some angles. 

Amy, Cati and I stood up on the stage.

"Welcome everybody to our beauty pageant." I say to the crowd.

"This is a punishment for our boyfriends loosing a challenge."Cati says.

"We hope you enjoy our boyfriends humiliation."

"Now lets start shall we." I say. The lights dim and a spotlight shines to the right of the stage.

"First we have blue boy Ethan." Cati announces. Ethan walks out in blue sparkly dress, strapless and goes down to his knees. And blue heals. "Ethan is a sweet little blue boy. He likes video games, did gymnastics, has the cutest laugh and er nice legs as you can see." Ethan does a little twirl when he gets to the middle of the stage. People are laughing. Ethan moves a little to the right and strikes a pose. Ethan is also wearing blue shadow and lipstick. 

"Next we have Mark." Amy says

Mark walks out in a short tight red dress that looks like if he flexes it will rip. He walks out struggling with the heels on. His heels are red. When he gets to the middle of the stage he does a little jump and strikes a pose."Mark is a man of many things. He also likes to play video games, he's also learning how to play guitar, he played trumpet in high school band, does rock climbing and loves his doggo Chica." Amy says. Mark smiles with his red lipstick and his red eye shadow is making his eyes look a little crazy. 

"Now we have Tyler." Tyler walks out. Tyler his wearing a long green dress. Well supposed to be long. Since he's so tall it only goes to his shins. The dress has limestone that around the coler of the dress. It also has long sleeves that only goes to his elbows. He's even wearing his grey beanies. He has lime green lipstick and dark green overshadow. "This is 'I'M TYLER!' read the card sir." I say.

Tyler pulls a card out the the front of his dress and reads the card. "I'M TYLER! AND I'M TALL. I'M TYLER AND I LIKE SPORTS! I'M TYLER AND MY HIPS DON'T LIE. I'M TYLER AND MY THIGHS COULD CRUSH A WATERMELON! I'M TYLER AND I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS!" He then strikes a pose.

The crowd laughs historically. 

The pageant goes on for another 45 minutes. The guys changing out into their different dresses and then doing different things like weird dances. One of Marks dresses does end up ripping from him flexing so he could show his muscles. 


"Thank all of you for coming out this morning. I hope you guys had as much fun as we did. GoodBye!" I say. The crowd claps and then gets up to leave.

I go back stage and the guys are back to their regular clothes. Their trying to get their makeup off. 

"Good job guys. You did great." I say. I walk up to Tyler who still has his lipstick on. He bends down and gives me kiss on the lips. 

"Did we really do that great!" He asks. 

I smile. "Yup. Now let's get that lipstick off."


We head back to the office so Ethan and Kathryn can edit the video.

Mark goes into his recording room so he can record some videos. Amy had to go back to the house to get Chica and bring her here and to pick up some food for lunch.

 Tyler and I sat on the couch watching a little tv and snuggling. Cati sits in a chair and plays games on her phone.

What a fun morning. 

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