Dean Tries To Embrace Cas.

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I made my way to the main desk to collect the information on the next soul.

"Dean Winchester." I told the reaper at the counter. She flipped through some files and pulled one out of the compartment, 'C'.

"So, here we have-" she said before her eyes widened. "Oh. Uh, I don't think this one's for you. I'll dial in Ken." She said nervously.

I squirted my eyes. No way in hell does someone tell me that I'm not good enough for a job. I've only been here three months but I quickly learned and became the best reaper.

"Fucking Ken? No way. His ego is huge enough. I'll take the file. I can handle it. Unless, you want me to take it by force. Your bloody choice." I said, menacingly. She gulped and handed me the file.

Hah, newbie.

One glanced at the name at the top of the file and I froze.

Former angel.
Grace stripped.
Cause of death will be: Stabbed
Years of life: 850.
Time of death: 8:45 p.m.
Last words: yet to be said.
Placing after death: purgatory.

I looked at my watch. 7:20 p.m.

No no no no no.


I guess I'd call myself a fast learner. Three months after being kicked out and I've found a job. I have a decent apartment two blocks away so walking to work wasn't a problem.

My identity needed a change. I couldn't go by Castiel. Those days were over. Now, I'm known simply as Steve. I'm dating someone too. That person is actually Finn. A month of getting to know him made me like him to the point of a relationship. He works with me and lives with me as well. We do share a profound bond with each other.

It was past seven and I had the closing shift. Finn had went out to meet a few friends so I'll be at home alone for a while till he comes back.

I finished locking the main door and was about to move when I stopped dead on my tracks.


He was grinning at me and with his hands in his pocket. I smiled so wide, my cheeks hurt. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back tightly. I was grasping on to whatever I could find because I didn't want to lose him. My thoughts on everything else had vanished.

I didn't know what was going on but at that point, I didn't care. Dean's here and everything's going to be back to the way it was. That's what I hope he's here for.


There is was. The hug that I would've allowed to last for days. I knew that only Cas could do that. I didn't let go until he pulled away which wasn't a short amount of time.

Once he pulled away, I couldn't help but to study his face. His smile made me feel like everything was fine and I wasn't a reaper and that he hadn't lost his grace. His eyes were something I never took lightly. I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever laid eyes on them has diffent ways to describe them but all I could think about was his lost grace. How the blue just glowed making everything seem brighter.

I know that this isn't how someone describes his best friend but I will admit that I indulge in thoughts about Cas and me being... well not best friends. I'm not going to stamp on a label but anyone would know what that meant.

I snapped out of my daze when Cas tilted his head slightly and squinted his eyes. If I weren't in this particular situation, I knew what that would've done to my hormones.

"Dean, you don't look too happy. What's wrong? Is Sam okay? I'm sorry I didn't get to visit cause I-"

"Cas. We don't have much time. Where do you live?"

A/N Dun Dun Duuuunnn....

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