Dean Tries To Bargain.

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I tried so hard. He just wouldn't open his eyes. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn't help it. Cas is gone.

No. I'm not going to let that happen. I'll never let that happen.

That's when an idea hit me like a brick. It's risky. Scratch that, it's suicidal but I won't let Cas die. No, I won't.


'It was all a blur.'

I never understood that sentence. Well, not until I got stabbed. I knew Dean would protect me there but it all became a blur when he disappeared. He just vanished. That's when I realised that Dean was only here for some supernatural reason. Obviously he was. And to think that I though he came here for me.

Pathetic, Castiel.

I was losing a lot of blood. I could feel it. Only then did I hear his voice. Dean was there but I couldn't figure out what he was saying. Everything around me became black as I shut my eyes. The pain was unbearable and all energy that I had to stay alive was slipping away.

At least I'd die with Dean there by my side.


"I want it back." I snarled.

"Dean you're just wasting your time. Just cause you found a way to save your brother, it doesn't mean you can save Castiel. He chose to be you're little dog and now he's facing his consequences." That bitch.

"You know, if you don't give it to me, I'll have to take it. By force." I treathened.

"You're threats don't work with me, Dean. I hid his grace so far, no being can reach it. Not even a reaper like you." She smirked. I never knew I could hate Naomi more than I hate her now but she was right, wherever she hid it, I can't trace it even with my reaper mojo.

"Even you know it. Castiel disobeyed orders. Disobeyed my orders." She said clearly gettin annoyed at me.

"Well what friend would he be if he killed me, am I right?" I said with a smirk.

"Friend?" She laughed. "Not friend, Dean. You know how he feels towards you and yet you claim him as your friend. With that comment, I think he'd feel better dead."

That's it. I won't let anyone tell me that someone rather be dead because of me. Yeah, okay sure Cas has a thing for me but I never ever ignored the fact that I have always felt someway when he's around.

"I will get it. You, Naomi of all people should know that I won't stop till I get what I want. And I will get it." I said with a smirk and only then did she seem scared to the slightest at least.

"Now, that's the Deano we all love." I heard an unknown voice say. A familiar unknown voice.

That's when I knew that Naomi wasn't afraid of my threat but the voice behind me.

A/N: Sorry I didn't update in a while but here it is. Hope y'all enjoyed. (Unedited)

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