Cas Tries To Reason.

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I couldn't see a thing. I was in the dark, panting because of running. I honestly had no idea where I was going but I needed to get out of here. Wherever 'here' is.

"Castiel. You have been brought to the judgement stand." Said an unknown voice.

Oh Chuck no.

"W-wait. Why am I here? I hadn't done anything wrong. Let me go to hell or something. I became human." I pleaded.

The judgement stand is where 'bad' angels go to if they die (immortals, remember?). Technically, I'm not an angel anymore so I had no idea why I'm here. Angels of sorts get tortured worse than humans do in hell. I'm pretty sure God had no part in this.

The judgement stand was created recently. About 800 years, now. If you disobey three orders in a row, this becomes your after life paradise. Or if you disobey a total of nineteen times in your whole lifetime (which for most, never ends), here's where you'll come if you die.

"You have not yet reached your nineteenth disobedience but choosing humans over us superior beings is a good enough reason for you to be here." Said the voice. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm not even an angel. My grace got stripped by Naomi, remember?" I said adding a little attitude into my voice.

"Dont get clever with me, Castiel. You're presence here now is Naomi's order. I guess she wants you to suffer angel style."


I turned around dreading the face that I would see.

Of course, Gabriel.

"Hello Deanyboy. How's reaper duty going for ya?" He asked, always with a joking tone in his voice.

"Gabriel. I thought you were dead." I said in disbelief.

"Nah, going incognito gets kinda boring sometimes so here I am." He says, bowing.

Two other angels appear behind him bearing an angel blade each. Both of them ready to prance at order but terrified to say the least.

Gabriel got up from his bow but his facial esspresion has changed. His smile remaining but a hint of menace was presented in his eyes.

"Naomi. Who left you in charge? Definitely not the all mighty up here." He says, flicking his fingers. As he did so, both angels behind his exploded leaving a bloody mess (literally) and two angel blades lying o the ground.

Naomi's once arrogant esspresion turned pale.

"Gabriel, I- I didn't... " she trailed off.

"Of course, you didn't. You wanna know something?" He askes, looking at me. I just st are wide eyed. "I have a little soft spot. Just a small one. Surprising I know." He paces the room, with a relaxed face.

"There's a little lost angel who I love dearly. My younger brother, Castiel." He stops and looks at Naomi with a look that could kill. Then, he looks at me. "I mean, I know he has a little something for humans here but I never really understood why he was so happy to be one but I let him be. And when he died, oh, when he died, I was almost certain, he had a place in heaven for him. Here with his siblings. Tell me, Naomi, why in Chuck's name do I find my Castiel in the judgement stand?

"Hold up, the what?" I asked totally confused.

"Oh, you stupid little squirrel." He says and I lean back. "That's the angel hell. Castiel there is being tortured." He explains slowly as if I was a child.

That's all I needed to hear. I ran out the door of Naomi's office just as I heard her scream with a blinding white light that followed.

I will get Cas back.

A/N Sorry for the delay, guys. I was really, really busy. Just kidding, I was lazy as hell. I knew I had to update when my friend legit passed the message to my brother for me to update. Also, there isn't any destiel in this chapter cause it's more of a filler but there'll be some the next. Enjoys. (Unedited)

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