Dean Tries But Fails.

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"No, please. Don't do th- agh!" I screamed in pain. I felt my wings being ripped off my back. I forgot what it felt like to have wings. It felt good for 3.5 seconds before it got ripped out slowly. It happened in repeat. Not just that, I was being killed over and over again with different angel killing methods. I pass out most the times they torture me due to my tiredness.

Whenever I do pass out though, my strength regains and the drainage starts once again. I could feel every sickening moment. It felt as if I was there for a year. That's how it worked here in the judgement stand. An hour feels like a year so feel free to imagine the rest of eternity.

I was on the brink of passing out again when I heard his voice.

"Cas, Cas, where are you, buddy? I can't see a thing, Cas, talk to me." Dean. I wanted to scream for him to leave but all the voice that I had in me left my body. I was so tired, I didn't even have the energy to feel disappointed when Dean called me 'buddy'.

"Oh, squirrel. You're one dumb little one, aren't you." No way, he's dead. "What we need, I some light." He says as blinding lights cover my vision. My tortures lay on the ground, dead with burns of their wings marked onto the floor.

I caught a glimpse of Dean and Gabriel, my supposed to be dead brother, before I pass out into nothingness.


"I'm gonna go pay a visit to Samsquash. Meanwhile, take care of Cas." He says, giving me a look with a sly grin.

With that, he flew off. Shit, I'm hoping Gabe would fix Sam permanently.

We teleported back to the bunker after Cas passed out and Gabe helped in healing him with his angel touch. It took a while but now he's stirring.

"Dean?" I hear. His voice was raspy. I walked over to him with a glass of water.

"Here." I say, giving him the glass. An air of awkwardness washed over me.

Come on, Dean. Say something.

"How you doing, Cas? " I asked. He looked at me cautiously as if waiting for something to come but never did.

"I- well, I've been better. But, Gabriel... " he trailed off, expecting me to finish.

"You've got to ask him when he gets back, I guess." I shrug. Then I realised, I'm still a reaper. What the hell am I going to do now? Has my human side vanished or something?

"Dean, you do know I have one too many questions, right?" He says.

"Yeah but right now, Cas. I don't wanna talk about all of that." I reply, shaking my head.

"What do you want to do, then?" He asks shyly.

Oh my gosh.

I think he wants me to make a move.

Shit, should I? I mean, we can't be more than friends. It's weird and I'm straight.

Before I could register on my thoughts, I feel myself move towards him.

"Dean." He whispers. Only when he did that did I realise that we we just inches apart. So close, even a whisper that soft was audible. "Wha-what ab-bout personal sp-space?" He stutters.

Goddamit, he's so hot when he's flustered. I can't help but to move my gaze from his eyes, to his lips and back to his eyes.


I couldn't take it anymore. The heat was rising beyond my control.

"Fuck personal space." I say before colliding our lips together.

A/N SURPRISE!!! I updated early cause I was bored af. I gave the destiel that was desired, so don't kill me. *No control by one direction plays in the background. Enjoyyyyy.

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