Dean Tries to Reassure Cas.

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"Okay, so I was digging around the old stuff upstairs and it seems like this happened before. You remember Sammy?" Gabriel starts. All heads turn to the Winchester. "Not this Sammy, of course. I'm talking about Samandriel."

"Our brother, Samandriel? I thought he had his grace all along." I say, confused.

"Oh, Cassie. This happened on your first trip to ape land." He replied, directing to Earth. "His grace got stolen by a prince of hell to use as a weapon. That's when Balthazar found an old collectors item that helped. The Book of the Damned. We all know that hag, Rowena has it but lucky for us we don't have to go witch hunting cause we've de-coded it a long time ago."

"Okay, enough jabbering. What do we do now?" Dean says, impatiently.

"In a hurry to save the boyfriend now, huh?" My brother replies  with a smirk making both Dean and me blush.

I have no idea if we're together in a relationship because years upon years of studying human activities concluded that human relationships can be...complicated. I did desperately want a relationship. Even after Finn, a mentally unstable dog, I do crave the feeling of another person. The thought that it was with Dean made me more needy.

I guess my feelings for Dean goes a long way back. When I first laid a hand on him in hell, I felt lost but in a good way. I felt my need for obedience and loyalty to heaven fade away. I felt free. Emotions like that never made sense to me but I was glad I felt it. He had an aura to him, a strong presence of free will. I was drawn to him and stuck. Fell for him and stayed fallen.

"Cas, you okay. You look a little...struck." The voice belonging to Sam.

I nodded and smiled.

"Ever heard of the seven deadly sins?" Gabriel asks. I nod. "Well, to get your grace back from Sam, both of you must go through these seven trials. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. You must commit these seven sins. An angel will get back what he has lost by doing what he is not."

"Sam has gone through enough trials." Dean objected.

"Sorry squirrel, I don't make the rules around here."

"It's fine Dean. Besides, it's the only way Cas can get back his grace." Sam says.

"Fine but I'm not happy." Dean says.

"Dean, can I have a word with you, alone." I ask nervously.

"Sure, Cas." He replies, getting weird looks from a smiling Sam and Gabriel.

We both made our way to his room in the bunker. He closes the door behind him and turns to face me.

"What is it, Cas?" He asked.

"I don't know if I'll survive this. I feel weak. I'm no good as a human, Dean." I say, fighting back my tears.

He comes closer to me and grabs my face in his hands. He tilts my head up to make me look at him. He gently kisses me. Nothing heated or lustful. This is what I craved. His gentleness made me feel safe. I kiss him back and we stayed like that for a few moments. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Cas, you have no idea what you do to me. Human or not." Those words made my heart flutter, as the humans say it. "You make me feel like someone I'm not. You make me feel stronger yet weaker at the same time and that messes with me but you know what, I've never felt happier. I'm not good at chick flick stuff but I need you, Cas. And only someone very very strong can make the feel the way you do so there's no doubt in my mind that you'd kick these stupid trials in its ass."

A/N Soooo.... hi.

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