Finding love

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'Shot me out of the sky, your my kryptonite, you keep making me weak, yeah frozen and can't breathe. Something's gotta give now,cause I'm dying just to know your nam.' --

"Omg I don't like mornings" I said rather to myself than my puppy, Axel, he was sleeping. I reached up to my alarm clock, shut it of and let my arm drop back on my bed and went back to sleep.

-------------10 minutes later-------------

"Lynne, sweetie it's time to get up" said mum walking into my room using a soothing voice to wake me up. "I'm taking you to the studio today to meet some people." Mum said excitedly but a little louder. "Oh yeah forgot bout that, what time is it?" I asked sitting up in bed rather to quickly for my body to adjust and ended up laying back down.

I sat back up again and got out of bed scaring my puppy so ran he under my bed and hid from me while I ran to my dresser. "Hey mum, how warm is it out side today?" I asked "It will be getting warmer out today so I suggest you put a tank top and pair of shorts on if I were you".

"Ok" I said while picking out an outfit. "By the way the studio is close enough for us to walk" she said. I was about to say something but she cut me off " And yes you can bring your skateboard with us, just don't get dirty" she added with a smile. "Thank you so much, I love you mum." "Love you two Lynne" and with that she left my room.

I picked out a white tank top with a British flag on it and black sequin shorts, then I picked out a black bra with matching underwear. Mum came back in and put a body and hair towel in my bathroom. "Oh yeah by the way don't take to long in the shower Lynne we only have an hour before we have to leave, and do you want a coffee with your lunch or chocolate milk?" "Um, can I have iced mocha with some chocolate bars instead?" I asked. "Sure" she said and left the room while I smiled and skipped to the bathroom with Axel hot on my heels.

I stripped out of my pajamas and turned on the water for the shower, waiting for it to warm up. I ran back into my room quickly and grabbed my iPod, then ran back into the bathroom and hooked my iPod to the speaker. After I found my Kesha song I blasted cannibal and hopped into the shower.


I hopped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel and dried off. I put my clothes on then dried my hair and added some light makeup. I ran downstairs quickly and grabbed my bag off of the hook in the hallway and found my mom in the kitchen waiting for me, so I found my favorite pair of converse and slipped them on.

"You ready Lynne?" "Yup lets go" I said grabbing my skateboard that was resting against the counter.

------outside heading toward studio----

I skated on my skateboard next to my mum the whole time with Axel right next to me, till she pointed ahead of us and said that was the studio. "You can go ahead and skate up there if you want and skate around on the sidewalk by the door till I get there since you've been good so far today." "Just make sure Axel doesn't attack anyone" Mum suggested. "Cool thanks mum" I said and skated for about a second with Axel running right next to me. I stopped my skateboard and Axel came to an abrupt stop two. I bent down and took his face in my hands. "Do you want to race there little guy" I said and pointed my finger to the building and he barked at me. "I take that as a challenge then" I said to my puppy and looked behind me at my mum, she was smiling at us and said go for it. So I got on my skateboard and waited for my mum to signal for us to go "UNICORNS" mum screamed and received weird glances from other people and me and Axel looked at her then looked at each other and started racing. I won!

(LOUIS POV) ----------

Me and the lads were waiting for Lou to show up because she is usually here before us. "Hey is that her?" Liam asked. "I think" I replied "But who is that with her?" I asked

We all went up to the window and looked closer there was Lou sure enough but there was a young girl on a skateboard who looked around 16 or 17 from here with a dog running next to her. Lou was saying something to the girl on the skateboard came to a stop and bent down next to the dog who had also stopped. She lowered her head to the dog making her long wavy blonde hair to fall down covering her face. She stood back up and looked at Lou as we went outside to watch them. "UNICORNS" we heard Lou shout so we just looked at her with amusement in our eyes as the girl and the dog came racing toward the parking lot. As she got closer I realized that she was gonna notice us staring at her. But she stopped the skateboard once she made it past the stop sign.

(Lynne's POV)-----

"I win" I yelled then it hit me I had a feeling that there were people looking at me so I quickly spun around to find five very attractive boys looking at me. "Got a problem with what you see" I snapped at them. Then I realized the brown curly haired guy (Harry) was looking at my chest. "Eh curly my eyes are up here not down there" I said with a smirk. He quickly snapped back into reality when the other guy with brown hair and brown eyes (Liam) smacked him across the chest with his arm. Just then I noticed Axel behind curly with his eyes glued to him watching his every move. Then curly checked me out from head to toe and that seemed to trigger Axel so he tackled curly to the ground. Axel is always protective over me. I saved him when he was a few months old because his owner abused him so I took him to the vets and he lived. he has always been protecting me since he got better and stronger. The other boys were shocked and trying to take in what just happened.

Now mum was over by curly's side trying to pry Axel off of him. she looked up at me."Can you please come and get him off of Harry" she asked me. I assumed that Harry was his name. "Come here Axel boy, he's fine but if he does something again I'm not going to stop you." I said. Axel let him go and came racing over to me and knocked me off of my feet. The blue eyed cutie was next to me in a second after I pushed a very playful pup off of me and he held his hand out for me to take which I hesitated at first but finally took it and he helped me up easily. Mum was now next to me. "Sweetie these are the boys that I was going to introduce you to they are a band called One Direction."

"Hi I'm Niall" irish blonde said.

"Hi I'm Liam " the boy who hit Harry said.

"Vas happening, I'm Zayn" said quiff dude.

"I'm Harry" said cheeky curly dude.

"And I'm Louis" said the blue eyed cutie.

"Hi I'm Lynne and thanks Axel for attacking the cheeky bastard"

"Lynne that wasn't very nice but I'm not gonna be able to get you to apologize!" mum said.


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