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Chapters Song: Amnesia- 5sos

5 years ago


Meredith laid on the red checkered blanket next to him, her small hands tangled with his large ones. His sparkling sky-blue eyes gazing into her brown ones, as he flashed a smile at her, his love for her evident as he looked at her. Meredith chuckled, snuggling into his side, resting her head on his chest.

He was intrigued as to what she was laughing at, "What's so funny?".

Meredith looked back up at him, a small smile playing on her lips, "Nothing, just your eyes are really blue."

A chuckle escaped Luke's lips, causing his chest to vibrate, "Are they now?" he joked, causing her to chuckle, "Yeah, they are" she smirked.

A few moments later, Luke spoke up, "I love you so much," he whispered into her hair, winding his arms around her, bringing her closer to him.

"Likewise, Hemmings" she beamed before placing a chaste kiss to his chin. Not being satisfied with that Luke placed a kiss on her lips, and every time felt like the first. He never got used to the way her lips tasted, that cherry lip balm that she never left home without, tingling on his tongue.

He was in love with her, and it scared him. He had never been in love before he met her. He was in love with her from the first moment he saw her when she walked into his AP English class, fresh and new into the junior year. She knew nobody, except for her brother, Calum, so he made it his courtesy to be her friend, considering his reputation wasn't that pleasant.

He was in a pop-rock band, him and his three best friends including Calum, 5 seconds of Summer. Nobody understood their music like she did which made him fall even harder. She understood him better than anyone, better than his best friends that he had known for so long. He was terrified to lose her, he didn't know if he would be able to live without her.

They stared up at the clouds and just laid there on a blanket in the middle of some random park. So far from home, but they didn't care, they wanted to escape and go somewhere different. It was gorgeous, the fall trees around them, piles of rainbow leaves laying around, the brisk wind flowing causing leaves to fly about. However, the young couple didn't care where they were, as long as they were together.


A few days later, Luke decided to visit Meredith to tell her some daunting news. But, what he didn't expect was that Meredith had news of her own.

"You're what?" Luke whispered, his eyes empty, a frown dragging his face down.

"I'm going to Stanford!" Meredith beamed, but her face fell when she saw his face.

"You're leaving me, leaving us?" Luke said, the anger in his voice gradually growing.

"Luke, you know how badly I've always wanted to go to college. To get away from the wretched town and follow my dreams. You know I love you so much, Luke." Meredith's voice cracking as she continued to talk, her eyes watering as she looked at her boyfriend who was merely shaking his head.

"How are we supposed to work if you just go off and leave, you know that long distance never works, why would you make this decision on your own," Luke screamed, his face turning a bright red, his breathing becoming out in quick breaths.

"Now that's unfair! Why do you get to live out your dreams I don't? You don't think I know you're going on tour? Calum is my brother for fuck's sake. Stop being a fucking hypocrite. You are just going to get up and leave for who knows how long. What am I suppose to do Luke? Sit around here doing nothing and wait for you to come back? You know I've always wanted to become a teacher. I can do that at Stanford. Why can't you just be happy for me?" By this point Meredith was breaking down, sobbing with her mascara running down her face, her pink lips trembling.

"Then go, I won't restrain you, but I can't do this Mer. I'll find someone else." It hurt Luke so much to say that, cause it wasn't even true, no one could ever replace her, but he needed her to loathe him, so she could move on and find someone better than him.

"What?" Meredith's voice came out in barely a whisper. She was barely able to hold her body up, instantly feeling weak and fragile.

"I can't believe I spent two years on you, whatever, I'm Luke Hemmings, I could get any girl I want to." He forced a smirk on his face, his heartbreaking on the inside as he looked at her, all he wanted to do was hold her and tell her that he loved her, but he can't. He was anxious about losing her more than anything, but if he didn't do this now, they would just be an empty relationship where they would never even get to see each other, so it was better to cut all ties now.

"Get out," she whispered, sobbing silently. However, he stood in his spot, frozen in time as he looked at the girl he loved, break down in front of him.

"GET OUT," she screamed throwing a pillow at him, falling to the floor wrapping her arms around herself. Luke sighed and turned around, tears starting to form in his eyes, "I'm sorry," he mumbled, but she didn't hear him because he was already out the door.

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