Chapter Seventeen

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Chapters Song: The Heart Wants What It Wants- Selena Gomez

It had a few weeks since Luke and Meredith came back from their 'honeymoon'. Janet went to go take care of her business, and Julie and Meredith joined her, as they had promised. They were there to comfort her in that low point in her life, and even if she didn't agree with what she did, she was too young to raise a child on her own, with a guy she barely knew. She never did find out the sex of the child, but maybe that was for the best.

Luke and Meredith hadn't talked to each other within those two weeks, and they weren't sure where they stood. Were they together? Were they friends? No one knew. Luke still hadn't decided if he was going to move with Meredith to California. What would happen to the band if he did? He couldn't exactly ask them to pick up all their shit and move half-way across the world. Or maybe he could, they were his best friends, scratch that, they were his brothers.

Meredith lay in the plain bed in the middle of her bedroom, in her apartment. Yep, that's right. Meredith finally moved out of the wretched house she grew up in, in an apartment right in the smack of town with her little sister. It was going to be easy for them to live together since they shared a room for a little when Julie originally moved in with them.

Her room was bland since she just moved in a few days ago, and she was too lazy to unpack, unlike Julie, whose room was too packed. She was off in her room with Michael doing God knows what, and with her being extremely uncomfortable, Meredith decided she should go get some fresh air. Maybe she could go get herself something to eat and do some shopping, considering Calum's birthday was right around the corner, her birthday following a few days after. They normal celebrated their birthday together for a day in between. She wondered what they would do this year since it's been five years since they last celebrated a birthday together, but she knew it would be great.

"Jules, I'm going shopping, you want to come?" she called out to her sister on the other side of her white door.

"Maybe another day Mer," she yelled back. Meredith rolled her eyes, "Okay then, and hey Michael," she responded.

"Hey Mer-bear" Michael yelled back and Meredith could hear the smirk in his scratchy voice.

"Mer-bear really ?" Julie complained, but chuckled, "What I think it's cute, don't you agree Mer," Michael said.

"Adorable;" Meredith mocked. She backed away from the door and went to put on her coat and winter boots. It was only January and it was still snowing and frigid outside, but she loved it because to her it was more beautiful in the winter time in Sydney.


Meredith snuggled herself in her winter coat and pulled down the beige beanie on her head as she walked down the sidewalk, replying with good morning's as people greeted her as they passed. She was extremely hungry, so she made her way to a nearby cafe. She opened the door and smiled at the smell of coffee and muffin's hit her nose, her stomach grumbled in response. After a few minutes, she gave the barista her order and moved over and waited to pick up her order. She looked around to shop, admiring the young couples that huddle together as they tried to warm up, and the young men and women who were typing away at their laptops while drinking their drinks. But something caused her smile to falter. Her eyes landed on a guy, a guy who had the same blonde-quiffed hair, the same electric blue eyes, and a cheesy smile that made her heart race, but he was here with someone else. He was here with the girl that had interrupted their special moment on their honeymoon, the women who belittled her the second she laid eyes on her. The one that had shocking red hair, lips, and green eyes that could capture any man's, heart. And she sat there, in front of Luke, laughing at one of his probably cheesy jokes, and placed her hand on his.

Meredith could have sworn she almost bit her tongue off from the anger rising within her. She had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down because if she didn't she would have blown her top off. She wasn't even sure if she was supposed to be mad because she wasn't Luke's girlfriend, but she at least expected him not to see other people because thought there was hope for them, especially after all they went through to get together. She had finally calmed down and wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall, she cursed at herself for not wearing her waterproof makeup. She, however, made eye contact with the redhead, her not even remembering the stupid bitch's name. The redhead smirked at her and danced her fingers on Luke's hand. Him being curious, he looked over to see Meredith standing there, his eyes widened and he quickly removed his hand and lowered his head down.

Meredith lowered her gaze, more tears threatening to fall. She thanked the barista who handed her coffee and corn muffin and walked quickly out the shop, ignoring Luke who called out to her. That had been the first time she had seen him, and heard his voice, in weeks, and that's what turned out to be.

She sighed and wiped away the tear once again, while she walked down the sidewalk. She felt stupid for ever thinking they would work, they were two different people, different goals, but she once thought that was why they worked because they were polar opposites.

"Meredith, please wait!" Luke called after her after she was already a block away from the shop and on her way back home. She sighed and came to a halt, 'One more fucking block' she thought in her head.

"Mer, it wasn't what it looked like," Luke mumbled. They were a few feet away from each other, but to them, it seemed like they were miles apart.

"You just love to stick to the cliche lines, don't you. And what was it supposed to look like? Oh, don't tell me, you guys were just 'catching up'" She rolled her eyes and turned around to face him, the tears on her face stuck to her cheeks.

Luke scratched the back of his head. She had taken the words right out of his mouth, so he had to think of something else to say.

"Look, Luke, I get it, you didn't know where we stood. Hell, I didn't know either, but your ex? Really, of all people?"

"I'm sorry Mer," Luke said, it was the only thing that he could think of saying.

"Don't be, I'm not your girlfriend. Do whatever the hell you want. Just keep me out of it. We're not friends and I don't want to hear about your new romances, or you igniting old flames"

"Hey, wait, that's not fair. You were the one who said you didn't want to be with me!" Luke defended himself, raising his voice a little.

Meredith scoffed, "Those words never left my mouth. I said we should just spend some time apart so we could get ourselves together before we jumped back together. But it's clear you misinterpreted what I said, even after I explained it to you so many times. Luke, I-"

She took a deep breath, trying to stop the sobs that left her mouth, "I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I don't feel right without you by my side. But maybe you coming back was a mistake, maybe I should have married Richard, maybe then I wouldn't be as lonely as I am now,"

Luke had to admit, his heart broke when she said those words. Each one like a stab to the back. He stood there with his mouth hung open. He cleared his throat and blinked away the tears in his eyes, "Yeah, maybe you should have, " he said, his voice coming out hoarse and broken.

"Okay then, glad we could finally agree on something. Goodbye, Luke," Meredith mumbled and turned to walk away, her winter boots clicking on the sidewalk as she walked away.

"Goodbye, my love," Luke said as he watched her walk away, her heels pounding in his head and stomping on his heart.

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